Sunday, March 09, 2008

Storm Track Appeasement: Liberals Still Believe in Their Fantasy

“A recurrent theme of Nick Cohen's writing concerns the idea that there is some monolithic 'Islamic fundamentalist' threat to 'the West' and its universalist ideas of freedom of expression and speech, human rights and tolerance of ethnic minorities and that this is co-ordinated by a rogue regimes, terror cells, and radical Imams. One of the words used by Cohen to describe any perceived concession to such a threat is termed 'appeasement' and which he has develped at length in his book What's Left: How Liberals Lost Their Way.”

This bit of utter miscomprehension of the threat posed by Islamo-fascism, radical Islam, Islamism, Islamists, or what ever the word of the day is that we Islamophobes use is a perfect example of how the left refuses to see the truth that is right in front of their eyes.

They come up with all kinds of excuses for those that seek to force a 7th century society on our 21st century civilization calling those that try to enlighten the mental numbness of the left to the day-in and day-out examples of the threat.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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