Friday, March 14, 2008

There are PLENTY of qualified Americans who are NOT caucasians, who could be president

and the smartest among them will have nothing to do with it.

You know, I really wouldn't give a HOOT what Barack Obama's pastor had to say except in a passing way, however, he is running for president.
I wouldn't care that Michelle Obama is so completely STUPID that she thinks we are downright mean, and is ashamed of being an American except this year, but that her husband is running for president.

Who could vouch for his wife's senior paper in college?

Who the hell checked, JUST IN CASE?

What kind of assssssssssssssssssssssshole would?

Never the less, we are compelled to know what we have to know. We are not better for it, even though better informed.

sowell.jpgColin, Condi...pretty smart to stay out of this crud, irrespective of any political issues. Both could do the job. Thomas Sowell...any day. Harold Ford? Anytime. Better than Barack, if you ask me. I could vote for Harold Ford. I cannot vote for Barack today, but that's because of what he believes in, and who he has already appointed within.

But who needs the aggravation and insane prying it takes to run, or even perhaps to be appointed? In how many universities and businesses are black, asian, latino and who knows what culturally, are there men and women who would surprise us as much as Obama, and more?

Do their wives dislike this nation? Did they burn a flag, sleep with too many? Maybe they didn't shave their armpits. Maybe they snorted a line when 19. Or they liked to party.

Would their pastors, priests, rabbis and sensei's disregard the almost 1 million Americans who died to free the slaves like the complete moron, Wright? Would they also wax delusional about AIDS? Call ending WW2 war crimes? Call 9/11 some kind of justice? Call Israel South Africa?

We'd find out. Is it any wonder smart people avoid public service like the plague?

Doesn't it make you wonder about the people who self select for such scrutiny to have power?
Of course none of this changes the ineluctable fact that Mr. Obama has to repudiate, reject, publicly excoriate and ostracize his own pastor of many years standing. If he cannot, then he is not acceptable, presentable, or judgmentally fit or ready for real national office, let alone president. Obama knows what Wright believes, says, and incites his people to believe. It is unamerican, unappealing, factually in error. That's no place for Senator, let alone a candidate for president.


Christine said...

Why is it not clear to Obama?

Simple, and I do speak from personal experience here, he honestly doesn't think he has to.

He is one of a group of "African Americans" in this country who believes he has a right to feel like his pastor does. His people were wronged, I tell you, wronged.

Not only does he have a right to feel this way, but we should be down on our knees, daily apologizing for our ancestor's behavior.

People like them do not feel a need to apologize to anybody. They don't have anything to apologize for.

But, they're not stupid. They know how to talk to the "man", say just the right thing, when the need arises.

But, they will turn around and call that man out of his name, when his back is turned.

It's their way to make it.

He deserves to be president, plain and simple. No, he's owed it.

Yes Epi, there are plenty of black people in this country who would make a very good president. Difference? They would honestly love their country, even if they lost.

Anonymous said...

The genius of Obam-messiah's run for the presidency does not lie soley on his oratory gift. The personnel choices he has made and the fallout from the much needed criticism of these choices will have far reaching effects.

B Hussein Obama has stated his disdain for devisive rhetoric, yet these choices have the potential to manufacture a repeat of the 50's and 60's racial divide. He alone is responsible for such a divisive outcome.

If he succeeds in his quest for the presidency, his staunchest supporters have quite the victim agenda to fulfill.

If the Obam-messiah is unsuccessful, his staunchest supporters have been given the keys to the kingdom of everlastng victimhood.

As far as Rev. Wright, Michelle and B. Hussein Obama are concerned, it's a win/win situation.

May God have mercy.