Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is Putin going to marry Kabaeva?

Yes, I know truly well this is not a gossiping blog. But the important thing is who is Kabaeva:

Russian leader Vladimir Putin is said to be getting ready to marry the Olympic medal winner gymnast Alina Kabaeva. Alina Kabaeva was born in Uzbekistan and her father is a Muslim Tatar. Putin quietly divorced his wife Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. According to the claims, Kabaeva and Putin will get married in mid-June. Marat Kabaeva is a former professional football player. Marat Kabaeva warned his future son-in-law: 'my daughter is a very sensitive girl; so, know how to make her happy.'"

Alina Kabaeva


Pastorius said...

King Henry VIII comes to mind for more reasons than one.


Anonymous said...

Putin's Christian credentials:
"Though his father was a "militant atheist",[235] Putin's mother "was a devoted Orthodox believer". Though she kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly (despite the government's persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church at that time). She ensured that Putin was secretly christened as a baby, and she regularly took him to services. His father knew of this but turned a blind eye.[234] According to his own statements, his religious awakening followed the serious car crash of his wife in 1993, and was deepened by a life-threatening fire that burned down their dacha in August 1996.[235][236] Right before an official visit to Israel his mother gave him his baptismal cross telling him to get it blessed “I did as she said and then put the cross around my neck. I have never taken it off since."

Anonymous said...

Putin is a Patriot who puts his country first. Can Britain or the US produce anyone similar?

And if that's a picture of Kabayeva (where's the portable tent?) then she's a Muslim in the same way that I'm Church of England.

Epaminondas said...

Putin is dictatorial sob who gulled the people to produce a 'more stable' society by removing the 'anarchy' of freedoms, and ripping off private business to enrich himself.

God forbid we EVER produce a leader like this, and if we do, I have the rail and BOTH the tar and feathers.

Anonymous said...

pastorius: Heh!

anonymous: I don't mind what his past credentials are, I am interested in what they are NOW.

najistani: Putin a Patriot??? Buahahahahahha!!! Yeah, of course, Geee. So do you think that concentration camps for opposition activists, the infiltration of opposition parties by the FSB (that is, the successor of the KGB) and the continous harrasment of the MSM which are not his supporters are characteristics of the patriots??? Oh, no, wait, the only patriot in Russia is Putin, so if you are against him, you are against Russia... Hmm, just the same as in Cuba for instance...

Oh, and considering your reasoning that means Rania of Jordan is not a Muslim?

Epaminondas: I totally agree....

Anonymous said...

as an FYI: Kabaevais a feminine form of the last name. Her father, Marat, being a male, would be Kabaev - no "A" at the end of the name. Russian last names are gendered and a male from a culture like that would take umbrage at being called "Marat Kabaeva"...