Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Islamofascism Awareness Week II: On A Campus Near You

It's this week, April 7-11.

From Front Page:

The Unholy Alliance’s worst nightmare is back.

Patriotic students at more than 100 campuses will host Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week II this week, April 7-11, to educate the public about the threat of radical Islam.

Around the country, nationally known speakers will address college students on the topic of political Islam. These include author and lifelong civil rights activist David Horowitz, scholar of Islam Robert Spencer, Middle East expert Daniel Pipes, former Muslim Nonie Darwish, and Congresswoman Sue Myrick.

The centerpiece of this year’s campaign is the Declaration Against Genocide. The Declaration calls on “student governments and Muslim groups” to condemn Hezbollah and Hamas, and repudiate the saying of the prophet Mohammed that redemption will only come when Muslims fight Jews and kill them, when the rocks and trees cry out Oh Muslim there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.

The charter also affirms such radical notions as:

The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
The freedom of the individual conscience: to change religions or have no religion at all
The equal dignity of women and men
The right of all people to live free from violence, intimidation, and coercion
Students around the country will try to spread the call for this generation to respect the innate dignity of every human being. (You can read and sign the Declaration
here.) One hundred Muslim Student Associations were asked a month ago to sign the Declaration. None of them have. That is because the Muslim Student Associations are not religious or ethnic or cultural groups. They are political arms of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of al-Qaeda and Hamas. As documented in a series of Frontpage articles and in the pamphlet The Muslim Student Association and the Jihad Network, the campus MSAs are part of the "soft jihad," the movement which provides moral and economic support to the terrorists and seeks to undermine the foundations of western civilization.Young people will also view such relevant films as:

The uncut version of the ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11. As powerful as the broadcast version was, few remember that ABC censored and suppressed part of the original film in order to placate the Clintons.

Suicide Killers, in which French-Algerian filmmaker Pierre Rehov allowed Muslims engaging in terrorist attacks against Israel to describe their motives in their own words.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West, which includes the powerful testimony of former Muslims Walid Shoebat and Nonie Darwish but includes footage of hatred broadcast throughout the Muslim world.

Islam: What the West Needs to Know, a documentary recounting al-Qaeda’s expansive agenda and the theology shared by radical jihadists worldwide.

This week’s activities build on the first Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week held last October 22-26. The inaugural IFAW made headlines everywhere from National Review to Nation, the New York Times to The Washington Times, and the International Herald Tribune to the Iran News Agency. The event so threatened the agenda of terrorists and their defenders that it was the object of censorship campaigns from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and a disgraced former Congresswoman, among many others. At Texas State University, college authorities called Jessica Irwin before a tribunal to denounce IFAW – even after she made it clear she was in no way involved.

But no student so singularly suffered for his politically incorrect thoughts than George Washington University senior Sergio Gor. Last year, a group of GWU leftists blanketed the campus with flyers purportedly issued by IFAW’s organizers headlined, “Hate Muslims? So Do We!!”

The bills, which attributed crude racial and religious slurs to IFAW’s founders, rocked the campus. Although clearly issued by a left-wing student group calling itself “Students for Conservativo-Fascism Awareness,” everyone pinned the blame on GWU conservatives. Gor remembered:

We got hate mail. At one point, I got campus protection. Campus police escorted me for awhile. I got surrounded at points. It was surreal.

College administrators also applied intense pressure to the IFAW group, including the threat of expulsion. Gor revealed, “At one point, I thought my college days were over.”

Then the real perpetrators stepped forward. There were no apologies. Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, Gor said his organization still has to meet with numerous layers of bureaucracy when it asks to meet in campus facilities, while leftist students – such as those who demonized Gor and his friends –do not.

Go read the whole thing.

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