Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Somebody better take that shovel away from MEEEEEECHELLE !

meechelle.jpg Michelle Obama and the zero sum game of socialism.....
"The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
We wouldn't want capitalism and property and individualism, and entrepreneurs to be able to CREATE A BIGGER FRIGGIN' PIE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, WOULD WE?

It's really uncanny how she is removing her clothing in a free and easy and unconscious manner.


Pastorius said...

The left has a hard time understanding the idea that a rising tide lifts all ships.

And, our leaders have a very hard time understanding that Democracy does not equal voting, but is instead a Democratic Republic protected by a Constitution which codifies human rights.

And, many in the counter-Jihad movement have a hard time understanding that culture does not arise out of race, but instead, arises out of the challenges faced by a group of people over a period of time.

It's amazing how intelligent people have a hard time making very simple philosophical distinctions.

Mother Effingby said...

These are the EDUCATED people, too, Jaco.

Dirt Digger said...

There is more than a subtle difference between socialism and voluntary robbery. People pay taxes to ensure infrastructure, power, regular government, education for their kids, the military etc. work for them. The Lefts principles to rob regular tax paying citizens is simply the stupid and ignorant solution to the problems they are trying to solve. What is she trying to get a Communist government in place here?