Sunday, April 13, 2008

tragic laugh of the day

An explosion ripped through a packed mosque in the city of Shiraz (Iran).

Caused by:

"... remnants of ammunition from a military exhibition recently held at the mosque." (...)

For those who still don't belive: Islam means peace!

Yeah, what else?!



Athos said...

Right. Munitions and military program after a potluck supper, that sort of thing. It's easy to forget a few mortars and rockets lying around the social hall! Happens at churches all the time...

Anonymous said...

Happens at churches all the time...
"More TNT, vicar?"

revereridesagain said...

Ooooops. They probably let the kids play with the stuff. That's what happens when you don't practice mortar safety at home...

Pastorius said...

One time when I reached for the communion bread and the wine, I accidentally pikced up a grenade. Good thing I didn't pull the pin, thinking I was "breaking bread."

Warren said...

Yea Jaco, I know what you mean.

Once, I was lighting the altar candles with the holy flamethrower and accidentally set off a couple of IEDs that the cub scouts had made as a Lenten project.

Everyone was pissed at me!

Anonymous said...

BYO in this case = bring your own ordnance.