Our scheduled guest is Dr. Paul L. Williams.
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Addendum: CLICK HERE to access the download for the September 25 show.
Always On Watch,
I'm glad to hear Rep. Tom Tancredo got the Winston Churchill award. I hope it passes, but I'm afraid that even if it does, the ACLU or CAIR will get some activist judge to declare it unconstitutional, even though its not.
If the bill comes up for a vote, I'd love to see the names of those who refused to vote FOR it.
Always On Watch,
I would love to see the names of those who refused to vote for it too, but that was not what I commented about. I'm afraid that even if it becomes law, some activist judges won't like it, and declare it unconstitutional, the first chance they get. We can't always rely on the courts. I'm afraid that liberal judges might throw out this law. That is yet another reason to oppose Obama.
We need more originalist judges like Antonin_Scalia.
I want this thing to become law.
However, I'm afraid that one of the future recipients for your Neville Chamberlain award maybe the supreme court for over turning Tancredo's legislation. Remember the recent Supreme Court ruling granting the right to habeas corpus to the enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay.
By the way, I have to thank Bosch Fawstin for that last link. I found it on his website.
You're right about activist judges, of course, and the likelihood of an adverse ruling.
Maybe I'm overlooking something in the bill, but I don't see how the bill could logically be declared unconstitutional. The issue of the Constitution being the basis of our federal rule of law shouldn't even be controversial. Then again, SCOTUS might rule that the law isn't needed.
You are right to point out that the President's influence on our nation goes far beyond the amount of time he serves. Those appointments to SCOTUS are the legacy every President leaves behind.
Always On Watch,
Maybe the bill could not be logically declare unconstitutional, but that won't stop an activist Judge who simply doesn't like it. That is why I'm worried about the court.
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