Thursday, October 16, 2008

Al Jazeera Decries Racists At Palin Rally

The most openly bigoted, violence-supporting TV network in the world has spotted a speck in the eye of Conservative America:

Now showing up on lefty blogs, the following Al Jazeera English report from a Sarah Palin rally in Ohio. Are you surprised that Al Jazeera managed to find racists and Christian extremists in the crowd?

A little reminder to those who are taking this Al Jazeera report at face value: Al Jazeera English is the slick, sanitized version of the Arab network that recently hosted a mind-bendingly depraved birthday party for convicted child murderer Samir Kuntar, after Israel released him from prison in an exchange: Video: Al Jazeera Throws Party for Child Killer.

Go read the whole thing.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Kauffman is a German name that can be found in families of many different religious persuasions.

Casey Kauffman is a card carrying Democrat who lists hid address as Doha, Qatar, UAE in his campaign contributions to..........You guessed it BHO, Jr.