Sunday, October 05, 2008


The media calls any party who rejects immigration as "neo-nazi". Nowhere in the column, however, do we get any description of a vicious neo-nazi platform. What I am reading is the logical reaction a culture has when trying to react against the cultural relativists who ask for culturcide. These are men and women who understand the culture war against, in particular, Islam.

Charging To The Right

Austria's far-right parties may have modulated their tone, but their message is increasingly familiar.
By Rod Nordland | NEWSWEEK
Published Oct 4, 2008
From the magazine issue dated Oct 13, 2008

Throughout Europe, the far-right parties have been largely banished, consigned to the dustbin of history. In France, the National Front is at its lowest ebb in years. In Germany, extreme-right-wing parties are marginalized and irrelevant in national politics. But in Austria, the far right is resurgent again. Last week two far-right parties—both stridently anti-EU, anti-United States and anti-immigrant—became the strongest such force in Europe, after national elections there gave them arguably the biggest share of the vote ever won by rightists in modern Western Europe.

Together they tallied 29 percent, only 30,000 votes behind the leading party, the center-left Social Democrats. SIEG ... was the pointed headline on the Austrian newsmagazine Profil, over a picture of the two right-wing leaders, newcomer Heinz-Christian Strache and Jörg Haidar, the longtime rightist politician. "Internationally, Austria is 'Naziland' yet again," said Die Presse in Vienna. And perhaps domestically as well, with the very real possibility that Austria's mainstream parties will be unable to form a government without turning to parties that directly or indirectly descended from the Austrian Nazi Party.

read the rest @


Epaminondas said...

Well, there's the right, and then there's the right.

In america Pat Buchanan is actually racist. On the other hand, Thomas Sowell , Victor Davis Hanson, and Bill Kristol are not.

The movement to have a secure border is not a racist movement, but racists certainly support it.

Calling for an end to immigration is NOT racist, but racists will certainly support such a plan.

That is why is it HYPERCRITICAL in such movements that real racists be publicly excoriated and drummed out ..the way William Buckley did (John Birch Society), and the way Ronald Reagan (David Duke, and the KKK) did. They should not be allowed to take part. Donations should be returned and/or donated to charity, preferably MINORITY charities.

Epaminondas said...

FROM UPI:"The Freedom Party became a member of Austria's governing coalition in 1999, prompting a diplomatic boycott by the European Union. Haider had publicly praised the SS and Hitler's employment policies. Israel withdrew its ambassador."

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, there are far-right parties in Europe that are not anti-USA.