Sunday, October 05, 2008

Common sense in America - Rasmussen: 59% Would Vote to Replace Entire Congress

Congress was front and center in the national news last week and the American people resi_pelosi.jpgwere far from impressed. If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, 59% of voters would like to throw them all out and start over again. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 17% would vote to keep the current legislators in office.

I think that is unrealistically high

Today, just 23% have even a little confidence in the ability of Congress to deal with the nation's economic problems and only 24% believe most Members of Congress understand legislation before they vote on it.

Probably because they DON'T READ IT. Anyone remember how many members of Congress read the Iraq 2003 National Intelligence Estimate before voting on it? SEVEN. Any questions?

Last week, the House of Representatives initially rejected a financial bailout bill proposed by the Bush Administration. Later, after the Senate added a number of items that some call "pork" and others call "sweeteners," the measure eventually passed. While the bill survived Washington, it did so at a time when just 30% of voters favored it and 45% were opposed.

Only half (49%) believe that the current Congress is better than individuals selected at random from the phone book. Thirty-three percent (33%) believe a randomly selected group of Americans could do a better job and 19% are not sure (see crosstabs).

A separate survey found that just 11% of voters say Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. (see crosstabs and recent trends).

Right into the harbor with the tea. Soon it will be Halloween and I have my indian outfit ready. Anyone else game?

These guys really want to pound on Bush?

Nancy, still want to go partisan and establish blame?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap. Responding to pollsters is even cheaper. Let's see what they do about it on November 4.

I hate to say this, but I'm beginning to think that getting a taste of Real Trouble via an Obama presidency is the only way some people in this country are finally going to "get it". I won't help him along by not voting for McCain but I'll be happy to stand around saying "I told you so" and why I told them so every time they go WTF?!!? during the next 4 years.

Hey Epam, if you've got an Indian costume maybe we could work something out for Halloween night in Salem with the "Friendship" schooner (a local tourist attraction tied up at Pickering Wharf) standing in for the Tea Party ship. On second thought, everyone would probably think we were just drunk overage hippies come up on the train from Cambridge.