Monday, October 20, 2008

"Immigration Is A Moral Necessity"

Immigration is definately necessary when your government is an elaborate Socialist Ponzi scheme, robbing Peter (today's taxpayers) to pay Paul (today's retirees) with the idea that it's all going into a "lockbox" fund to pay for tomorrow's retirees.


You need an ever-expanding labor market to keep the Ponzi Scheme going.

And, whatever you need, becomes a "moral necessity" because high-falutin' language inspires more than, "We need to get us some more of them Mexicans/Morrocans to pay us some taxes."

Former deputy in the French National Assembly, from 1967 to 2004, Jacques Barrot was one of the founders of today's UMP party, an institution that claims to be conservative. UMP is the party of Nicolas Sarkozy, who is known to the media and the world as a politician of the "Right." Barrot had previously supported Jacques Chirac, and before that had been a leader of the centrist movement. Since 2004, Barrot has been a European Commissioner. 

This article from 
Yves Daoudal gives the first and last questions from an interview with Barrot posted at Café Babel. Daoudal says that Barrot's answers reveal the European suicide that is underway: 

- Does Europe need immigration?

- Yes. The demographic situation of Europe requires a migration that must be concerted. Europe's mission is also a desire to facilitate exchanges between countries. Immigration is both an economic and a moral necessity. 

- Islam is perceived by some as incompatible with European values of democracy, peace and equality of the sexes. What is the EU's position with regard to this problematical situation? (Question from Roman Moravcik, a Slovak journalist)

- This way of looking at Islam as antagonistic to European values is a totally partial and erroneous view. Islam is a monotheistic religion that seems to me to be compatible with our principles of laïcité. What is not compatible, are all the fundamentalists, not only Islamic, who wish to segregate and exclude other religions. As soon as pluralism is accepted by Islam, in any case in Europe, Islam is welcome. What IS true is that we will always fight against the fact that in the Islamic milieu Christian communities are not always respected as they should be. But that is characteristic of a certain number of Islamic States, it is not characteristic of Europe. Europe favors religious pluralism and it is obvious that if Islam wants to exist in Europe, it must accept this pluralism. 

1 comment:

Mark said...

I'd love to know what this twerp means when he says it's a "moral necessity". Any ideas?