Thursday, October 16, 2008

Leaders around the world 'herald' "end of capitalism" - so let's stop spending


CARACAS (Reuters) - Socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez mocked George W. Bush as a "comrade" on Wednesday, saying the U.S. president was a hard-line leftist for his government's intervention of major private banks in the U.S. financial crisis.

Chavez, who calls capitalism an evil and ex-Cuban leader Fidel Castro his mentor, ridiculed Bush for his plan for the federal government to take equity in American banks despite the U.S. right-wing's criticism of Venezuelan nationalizations.

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"Bush is to the left of me now," Chavez told an audience of international intellectuals debating the benefits of socialism. "Comrade Bush announced he will buy shares in private banks."


Iranian leaders say the world financial crisis indicates the end of capitalism, the failure of liberal democracy and divine punishment -- marking the superiority of the Islamic republic's political model.

"The school of Marxism has collapsed and the sound of the West's cracking liberal democracy is now being heard," supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday, recalling the fate of the Soviet Union.

The global economic crisis is a result of the "comprehensive failure of extreme capitalism," Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Wednesday as he took aim at bulging executive pay packets.

The centre-left Labor Party leader named greed and fear as the "twin evils" at the root of the financial sector collapse, which began in the United States and swept the world.

"What we have seen is the comprehensive failure of extreme capitalism -- extreme capitalism which now turns to government to prevent systemic failure," Rudd told the National Press Club in Canberra.

If we, the american consumer, continue as we have last month and simply spend only on what we need, and cut down on that, we will probably cause such a catastrophic economic deflationary worldwide depression, that these complete morons, ignorant of the historic NECESSITY of business cycles, would be swept away by populations who would be respectively, hungry and poverty ridden and oppressed, hungry and poverty ridden and oppressed, and finally intolerant of morons.

And the corollary is that oil will be less than $50/barrel.

It would almost be worth it, because no matter WHAT level this world settles at, it will be the polyglot uncultured people of the USA that still retain the edge (looked at the rate of T bill purchases lately?) to recover FIRSTEST WITH THE MOSTEST, and raise the ocean level for allied boats, and it would be amid the heavily damaged economies of those inimical to us, whose systems simply do not work as well as ours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Epam, this is sort of what I was trying to say to damien the other day. Somes you write the book. Sometimes the book writes itself. You don't need a conspiracy of producers hiding out in a mountain stronghold. That's literature. This is the way it works in reality. Oppressed, hungry, poverty-ridden people intolerant of the morons who put them there and acting on it while there is still a chance to free themselves is what it takes to clear the road, then that is still better than those same people under the iron fist of a Marxist/Islamist empire that no one can fight. If living simple and refusing to fuel the advance of Marxism becomes our "Galt's Gulch", so be it.

We may not have John Galt, but we've got Joe the Plumber and that's a start.

I'm with the program. Just had the 10-year-old Subaru tuned up, winterized, repaired and reconditioned for under a thou instead of sinking several grand into a "new" one. Looks great, runs great, the "Galt/Taggart '08" sticker survived, and it's paid for. Now just get that oil down to $50 a barrel...