Friday, October 03, 2008

Let's Give "Giving Up On Peace" a Chance

I was reading an article by Barry Rubin called A Middle East Strategy for the West, when I read this sentence: "The problem is not just that cynical rulers (in the Middle East) mislead the masses through demagoguery — though that's true; it's that the masses embrace extremist world views."

I had to do a doubletake. If the masses are embracing it, then it's not "extremist," right? That would be called "mainstream." By the term, "extremist world views" he is really saying simply following classic, mainstream Islamic teachings. But what a bullshit doubletalk way of saying it!

Rubin did say something worthwhile in the article, however. He wrote:
Obtaining Israel-Palestinian or Arab-Israeli peace is a useless strategy, distracting from real issues. It isn't going to happen; Islamists would use any such peace to portray those signing it as traitors; and even many Arab nationalists would denounce it to raise their credibility as tough, unyielding fighters. Violence and unrest would increase, not lessen, as a result.
Absolutely. All this talk of "peace in the Middle East" is ridiculous. It's not going to happen. EVER! Get over it. Muslims will not ever give up fighting, and the Israelis will not ever give up trying to survive. The world needs to embrace this reality and aim for something actually attainable: An Israeli population that is relatively safe from Jihadis. Israel needs to embrace this too and quit trying to be so fair. They keep being lured into making "deals" with Muslims in order to finally have "peace." They should be able to look at their own history in the Middle East, or look at easily-obtained Islamic teachings and see that "peace agreements" are a waste of time.

Thanks Damien for the sign.


Damien said...

Citizen Warrior

"Thanks Damien for the sign,"

Your welcome. That sign is clearly old, since at least one of those people isn't around anymore. I'm not sure if Saddam has been executed yet, but I know Arafat is dead. Still the message of the sign is as true today as when it was first produced. The intended message will never be out of date, unless by some miracle Jimmy Carter changes his mind.

Citizen Warrior said...

Yeah, Saddam is dead too.

There are some more people we could add to the list.