Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama and Media Objectively Fascist

Ace has the story on what happens to citizens who ask the Messiah tough questions. They can expect the drive-by media to root through their garbage, while the local Democratic machine and unions check his papers and work permit (Yet another Atlas parallel). That is now happening to "Joe the Plumber:"

This rotten socialist bastard and his creepy Marxist cultists are already using the power of the state to destroy people who cross him, and he's not even in office yet.

This is the same media that hasn't bothered to look into Obama's associates, voting record, and ACORN voter fraud for the last two years. If Obama gets in expect a Blitzkrieg against free speech starting with the "Fairness Doctrine" on steroids.

Update: It's about time. McCain takes Obama to task for his McGovernite plan to "spread the wealth" he is incapable of producing. In the clip's opening, McCain asks why a citizen can't ask The One a critical question without getting gang-raped by Obama's media pals, The Toledo Democratic machine and union thugs.

Money quote: "America didn't become the greatest nation on earth by redistributing the wealth. We became the greatest nation by creating new wealth."

It seems the media and Democratic establishment's vicious attack upon Joe Wurzelbacher has fired up McCain. Or at least one can hope.

Crossposted at The Dougout

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And even in the rare case that officials apply the law - only to get kicked in the teeth anyway. . .

Supreme Court overrule Ohio court in Voter dispute

welcoming President Obama.