Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Youth

I thought this was a joke. But, it's not. Here's the Wayback Machine version of it.

You see all the images have been removed. 

It seems the Obama Youth have had second thoughts now. They changed their name to Youth4Obama, and their new site is still under construction. Type in the url and you will get the Youth4Obama website.

Their new logo is a mixture of the old one with the Obama Logo. Go look at it.

By the way, is there anyone besides me who thinks it's strange that one can not find a Google cache version of the website? 


Ashan said...

It's got an Islamic crescent too.

Anonymous said...

ABC polling results
— how likely voters view Ayers, Palin

Sixty percent - 60% - say Obama’s relationship with Ayers is not a legitimate issue in the presidential campaign; 37 percent say it is.

ACORN; 49 percent say it’s not a legitimate issue, 40 percent say it is

Pastorius said...

Yes, it does. I guess that means the Obama Youth are Muslims. Who woulda thunk?

Pastorius said...

Americans aren't dumb. In fact, they are vicitms of their own intelligence. They understand that the media lies. Therefore, if a story doesn't become obvious quick, then it must not be true. It seems like all smoke and mirrors.

Which is, in a way, true with this Ayers/Obama story. There is no smoking gun, that I know of.

However, I keep discussing it because it fits the pattern;

Wright, Alinsky, Pfleger, Farrakhan, Rezko,

and, the pattern fits with Obama's rhetoric.

Ashan said...

I don't think that the use of the crescent means that his youthful followers are Muslim, per se. I do believe that O uses taqiyya (purposeful deception) and other psychological indoctrination methods to mold minds - much like the Hitler "O" hand formation.

Taqiyya and dawa are being used together with huge cash rewards (made primarily by the Saudis) in a Pavlovian effort to indoctrinate America's youth. This should sound alarm bells. There have been several studies made of the deliberate use of disinformation and distortions of historical fact to promote Islam and instill Arab propaganda in our public schools and universities through text books, school events, endowments, school board appointments, etc.

Mark said...

The name stinks of the Hitler Youth Movement. The crescent moon is brazen and blatant. But then he admits to being a Muslim anyway.

I'm afraid that the Americans are soon going to have their first Muslim president. (Did I say first?)

This will be the shape of things to come. Goodbye America, hello Amerabia!

Pastorius said...

Hi Mark,
Why did you say, "Did I say first" like that?

Do you think we've already had a Muslim President?

Mark said...

Hi Pastorius!

No, I didn't mean that. What I meant was that electing Obama as your first Muslim president will open the way up for more to come. That's what I meant. He will be the first in a series in the years ahead.

Pastorius said...

Oh, got it.


Mark said...

You're welcome!