It’s that book about Aisha again – the little tot that their marauding prophet took as his wife. The book, by Sherry Jones, is called The Jewel of Medina, which I've blogged about often on Pink Triangle (see all my posts on the subject here).
The publisher whose home was firebombed by suspected Muslim extremists has now put the British publication of the book on hold, the Daily Mail tells us today.
The paper says:
Martin Rynja of Gibson Square books intended to publish The Jewel Of Medina by US writer Sherry Jones.
But following the attack on his London home, his plans are now said to be "in suspended animation".
Alan Jessop of Compass, the publisher's sales representative, said: "He [Rynja] is in good spirits, but has put publication in suspended animation while he reflects and takes advice on what the best foot forward is."
Free speech kicked in the cojones once more, eh? And in the name of some Dark Ages religion, too.
It’s not often I quote myself, but it’s worth repeating what I said on a post back in August on this subject of how religion is able to dictate our freedoms of expression and speech:
What we have allowed into our world now is something very dark, very sinister, something that will, if we're not very careful, soon have us culturally hogtied, appealing – before we dare to publish a word – to some bloody fatwa committee of bearded, grizzled old men who wouldn't know a good piece of fiction if they ever reached far enough into the real world to take it down off the shelf.
It is very dark and sinister.
You know what is amazing to me? If we found some god damned cavemen and we found they had tons of gold in their caves, and we paid them for the gold, and they became rich, we wouldn't respect them.
We'd say, 'you're a bunch of paleo-lithic idiots. No you don't get to sit at the table with us.
Now, of course, Muslims are modern men, but the philosophy by which their culture functions is basically pre-historic. It is survival of the fittest stuff (might is always right) married to superstition.
So, why is it that we entertain the thoughts and opinions of this caveman culture?
From what I've been able to glean, Jewel isn't really anti-Islam.
No matter! It might contain some facts which could be interpreted as anti-Islam. Therefore, the Moslems and the dhimmis can't stand for the book to be published.
What is anti-islamic? That, in the book, he waited for the girl to be fourteen years old?!
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