Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tonight On KFNX Talk-Radio

[Image courtesy of Stogie]

Tonight, October 2, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, Pastorius, webmaster of Infidel Bloggers Alliance, will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100. See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are in a different time zone than Phoenix, Arizona; click directly on the word "PHOENIX" to get a world map of time zones.

Guests will include 

Author and Intelligence expert, Paul Williams, who will talk about the latest chatter on a possible nuclear attack on America.

Kate Krueger, former Senatorial Candidate, and second-amendment advocate.

Pastorius' gun. Yes, that's right, Pastorius will be interviewing his own gun.

Tune in if you can! In addition to AM air time at the scheduled hour, KFNX offers live streaming at the station's web site.




Damien said...


Is your gun as anti Jihad as you are?

Pastorius said...

The idea that my gun has a mind of its own is very frightening, and all Jihadis ought to be cowering in fear at the prospect.

My gun is a pretty good guy, but he has a hair-trigger temper. And, you never know what's going to set him off.

It's a good thing I'm such a calm, even personality ...

by comparison.


Damien said...


Has he shot any Jihadist yet?

Pastorius said...

No, my Mom won't let me have any bullets.


Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...


Too bad you couldn't interview your gun, I bet it would have been funny.

Pastorius said...


I wrote the whole bit and then right before the show my co-host pointed out that the humor would offend our guest.

I agreed with him, but I was very disappointed. It was a rather humorless show.

But, there was some decent information.

Damien said...


Maybe next time. But I think your first guest maybe guilty of a logical fallacy. Just because there were no cabs near the towers on 9/11, right before the planes hit, doesn't prove the cab drivers were in on it regardless of how many of them were Muslims. Not to mention that I think al-qaeda would want as few people to know about the attack as possible before carrying it out. The more people know about something, the harder it is to keep a secret. Still I hate to admit that he could be right and there could be a nuclear terrorist attack in our future. I just hope he's wrong about that.

Pastorius said...

You are correct that it is a logical fallacy. Absolutely.

However, that doesn't mean that it couldn't be true.

You will note that I didn't agree with him. Instead, I simply asked the question, "So, you're saying that the Muslim world is guilty of the same thing they accuse the Jews of?"

And, his answer was yes.

I'm not too sure about that.

However, since I do not recall ever hearing this rumor, this morning I looked it up on

Snopes says it is a False rumor.

Frankly, I do find it strange that there is almost no logic or proof in Snopes' answer.

Here's their answer. You tell me what you think:

Damien said...


I just wanted to make sure you realized that it was fallacious thinking. Even if true the evidence would be incredibly circumstantial at best. But it was not true and I don't find Snopes' argument that strange. People have fallible memories. Ask any skeptic and they will tell you that.

Pastorius said...

Snopes' answer is an example of fallacious thinking.

Just because people have flawed perceptions does not mean that something didn't happen.

If that were the case, then we would be in David Hume territory, where we can't believe in anything.


Besides, here's the real issue, Damein. If there were cabs there, there would be evidence. For instance, surveillance tapes from surrouding buildings.

Is that not a safe assumption?

And, if that's the case, then why did Snopes not present evidence?

That's what they do. They present evidence on everything.

Does this explanation of theirs strike you as strange?

Pastorius said...

The last thing on my mind that day was to believe that all Muslims would be involved in a conspiracy.

In fact, in the days after 9/11, one of my primary concerns was that Muslims would become the victims of violence as retaliation for 9/11.

I remember literally being in tears talking to my Pastor about my fear that Americans would take out their anger on innocent Muslims.

Now, I look back at the whole thing with different eyes.

I now am aware that Muslims, in general, are willing to keep their mouths shut about the hatred and exhortations to violence, that exists in their Mosques.

I do not much trust the average Muslim anymore.

80% of American mosques are funded by the Saudis and there is hate literature in most of these mosques, and yet you never hear a peep from Musliims that there is a problem.

Why is that? Why are they willing to remain silent?

Are we not human beings to them?

On the other hand, I will say this, if I had worked at the WTC and had found it impossible to get a cab to work that morning, then I would have thought about that fact later, and I would have reported it.

Damien said...


This isn't so much about trust, sure there are mosques filled with hate and calls to Jihad. However I would be will to bet that even most Jihadists are largely in the dark about the activities of their fellow Jihadists. This wouldn't surprising at all, KGB members were largely in the dark about the exact activities of other KGB members. It is a bit hard to believe that people like Osama would go through all the trouble to plan 9/11 and than the terrorist going through all the trouble to carry it out, and not make sure that only those that needed to know, knew ahead of time. With something as big as 9/11, I don't think the terrorists would take too many chances, the more people who knew, the more likely one of them would be someone they wouldn't want to know.

Pastorius said...

It is not logical for you to change the subject.

You are committing a logical error. Do you understand.

The subject is not Osama Bin Laden, or most what Jihadis might want, or anything of the nature.

The subject is, were there cabs around the WTC on the morning of 9/11?

That's the whole of the subject.

Anything else is not the subject. And therefore, it is illogical to discuss anything else.

Does that make sense?

Damien said...


Look I did find it somewhat Strange that he sighted no photographic or filmed evidence of cabs. But also keep in mind it was still fairly early in the morning, when those planes hit the towers.

Pastorius said...

I find it interesting that you are more concerned with the fact that Paul Williams cited no photograhic evidence (in an off-the-cuff radio interview) than you are concerned that Snopes cites no photographic evidence in a piece of obviously well thought-out text.

I'm having a hard time understanding your perspective here.

Remember, just because you think there is no conspiracy doesn't mean that there isn't.

There are conspiracies in the world.

I've give you an example. When I was in high school, everyone knew who the drug dealers were. But, if we were asked, we would say we didn't know.

That is an Omerta-type conspiracy. A conspiracy of silence.

In my opinion, the fact that Muslims do not regularly discuss the hate literature that WE KNOW SITS IN THEIR MOSQUES, is clear and really uncontrovertible evidence that Muslims are engaged in a conspiracy of silence.

Perhaps you are simply unaware of the study I am referencing. It came from Freedom House. Here is a Washington Times report on the study:

Here's a link to the Freedom House report itself:

That such literature sits in American mosques, completely uncommented-upon by Muslims, is evidence of Omerta.