Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CNN Report Actually Compares Upcoming Inauguration to Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca - Video 1/16/09

Just when you think you have heard everything from the liberal media, they best their own record for ludicrous reporting. Here is a CNN report that actually compares the upcoming Presidential Inauguration to the Muslim Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca! I kid you not!

The report never mentions Obama by name, but we did not see any comparisons between President Bush's Inauguration and the Hajj to Mecca. For the mainstream media, who take such pride in helping to get Barack Obama elected with their incredibly biased reporting, perhaps the inauguration of Barack Obama is a religious event, as they put their faith in the Messianic Obama they helped to create.


andre79 said...

I just removed CNN from my TV cable package. :)

Brooke said...


Sadly, I'm not surprised.

Pastorius said...

You can do that?

We can't do that here in the States.

andre79 said...


Aside from a small number of channels such as national TV in English and French, the weather channel, the local Montreal TV channel, I can chose anything I want. I liked Lou Dobbs on CNN (the only one worth watching there, imo) but I can live without. For some mysterious reason we don't have FoxNews here.

Brooke said...

Damn! I wish I could order a la carte!

Matt said...

So it's like the hajj because both events have lots of people? Was it a requirement to be a Democrat to attend the inauguration?

Always On Watch said...

During commentary during the Inauguration ceremonies yesterday, a commentator at MSNBC compared the departing Bushes to the Romanovs.
