Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Tom Trento has a declaration to Obama about Israel and Hamas here: Trento's Declaration. He asks us to sign it. Here is what it says:

• SUPPORT - for the state of Israel and for all Palestinians who agree with the United States that HAMAS is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization as detailed in Section 219 of the American Immigration and Nationality Act.

• SUPPORT – for the actions of the State of Israel to use all necessary military force to stop HAMAS’ illegal and immoral rockets attacks aimed at innocent Israeli civilians.

• SUPPORT - Israel to use every effort to target only HAMAS members and property and to minimize all collateral damage to the Palestinian population.

• DEMAND – that HAMAS immediately stop the torture and murder of their Palestinian brethren.

• DEMAND - that HAMAS recognize the right of Israel to exist and until such recognition HAMAS assumes complete moral responsibility for any and all deaths of Palestinians killed by Israeli military actions.

• CHALLENGE - all Americans to fully support Israel and reject the global Islamist propaganda machine that uses the doctrine of victimization to re-focus attention from the fundamental source of this conflict, the ideology of radical, political Islam.
It says this declaration will be delivered to Obama and Congress. Knowing Tom, he will probably deliver it in person with the cameras rolling. If you want to sign it, go here: The Declaration.


Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

I just signed it! I hope more people do the same.

Citizen Warrior said...

Excellent, Damien. I can't wait to see what Tom does with it!

Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

I don't know Tom Trento, but I have a good idea what he might do with this.