Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year, Infidels

I'm stayin' in tonight.

Gonna keep it mellow.

Just me and a few friends.


Reliapundit said...


Pastorius said...

To lick or to bite, that is the question.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think those are any of the infamous 72 virgins...


Pastorius said...

No, but collectively they are known as "The Suicide Girls."


midnight rider said...

To lick or to bite. . .

How many bites does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie. . .

Happy New Year Gang!

Dhivehi Resistance said...

Discos are banned...boys and girls dancing together is haraam..clitoris need to be shaved..

Happy New Year infidel frends..

andre79 said...

I'd rather spend my eternity with them instead of a bunch of 1,000 virgins.

Always preferred nymphomaniacs to virgins by a scale 1:10,000 but wadda I know; I'm not a 14 y.o. would-be suicide bomber.

Pastorius said...

I feel the same way about nymphomaniacs as I do about Mt. Everest. It's an awesome challenge to undertake, and I almost don't care if I die at the peak.

andre79 said...


Selfish Santa. All you want is to empty your sack.

(ok..., please don't ban me, I can do better.)

midnight rider said...

Andre, if Pastorius banned for those kind of groaners IBA would be a REALLY lonely place to hang out.

midnight rider said...

Revere -- 72 virgins, heh. Walter talkling to Jeff Dunham:

"Why 72 virgins? Why not a few slutty broads who know what the hell they're doing?"

very roughly paraphrased.

Damien said...


You're definitively not a prude! Not only would you not like living in Saudi Arabia, you wouldn't like living in Victorian England.

Pastorius said...

True. I do believe this is the greatest time in history.

That being said, I think there have been times when we were in better shape philosophically, but I don't get too concerned about that, because I believe we still have the intelligence, but are searching for a new synthesis.

I see history as a long series of ebbs and flows of various dynamics. I judge history on the relative amount of freedom, and that can be measured by things such as artistic creativity, technological innovation, and general quality of life.

But, there are many different forces that effect those things. We use words like fascism, economics, politics, ideology, etc. and we attach all sorts of emotions to seeing that things are always progressing in the ways we believe they should. However, I see opportunity in negatives.

For instance, the crash of the economy is an opportunity for new businesses to be created to replace tired systems. The crash of our ideology is allowing Islam to fill the vacuum, but once we get to an intolerable level of pain, we will find ourselves forced to reassert ourselves, and that will be when we begin to use our intelligence to create whatever new synthesis is required to destroy Islam, and recreate our notion of Freedom and Prosperity.

Many people worry about decadence. I see it as adult play, and that is on the way to creativity. I am more concerned restrictions on play. Restrictions on play create a situation in which there is less decadence, but they also impede freedom. I believe a world made safe for children is a world which is dangerous to adults. In that sense, I am opposed to the zeitgeist of our time which always believes we need to "do it for the children."

That being said, I am not too afraid of a limiting of freedom, because I see it as temporary. I know for a fact that whatever limits anyone can come up with, I as a creative individual can come up with ways to get around them.

By the way, just for the record, I don't necessarily live the way I write. I'm pretty conservative in my life. I have a wife and children, you know. But, I don't let that impede my fantasy life or my sense of humor.

Damien said...


I think you told me about your wife and children before.