Saturday, January 10, 2009

Initiative is with those who act..Hizbullah infiltrating Syria, anticipating regime change

The Iranian-backed Hizbullah terrorist group has targeted Syria by dispatching some 40 cells of clandestine operatives in anticipation of a future regime change in Damascus, according to a Middle East press report.
Now imagine if Syria, bordering Iraq, Israel, Lebanon and Turkey was to all purposes Iran.
Stop and think. What would Israel do, or prepare to do? How would Syria as Iran change hte foreign policy of Turkey? What would all of that mean for us?
Now imagine if the door swung the other way and Iran was gone.

The Kuwait-based Al-Siyasah Online website reported Nov. 30 that the infiltration was put in place over the past 10 months and following the resumption of negotiations between Syria and Israel in Turkey.

Hizbullah has managed to plant cells in Damascus and other Sunni-dominated Syrian cities in anticipation that the Bashar al-Assad regime will reach a peace agreement with Israel in 2009 that could stipulate Syria ending its strategic partnership with Iran.

"Planting and setting up more than 40 cells by the Hizbullah security services on the Syrian arena was an idea proposed by Imad Mughniyah [Hizbullah military commander assassinated in Damascus in February 2008]," one source was quoted as saying. "Among these cells are at least 20 cells in Damascus where their elements are deployed under different titles, as employees at some private companies, or as laborers at restaurants and coffee shops, or as owners of mixed small organizations with Syrians, like offices of selling used cars, furniture shops, shops, small supermarkets, and others."

The clandestine operations are working for Hizbullah and the Iranian regime and are similar to the cells that have been established in a number of Arab Gulf countries since early 2002 in order to pump funds into the Hizbullah leadership in Beirut and to monitor the situation in these countries.

In a related development, the Paris-based Intelligence Online reported Nov. 20 that, "under the attentive eye of Iranian officials, Hizbullah made every effort to appear united during its 8th Congress, which wound up on Nov. 3. ... But, behind the smiles, rivalry between clans is just as rife as ever."

According to the report, three factions are engaged in a power struggle inside Hizbullah: the somewhat pro-Syrian security-minded men headed by Wafic Safa and Haj Hassan Khalil, the pro-Iranian supporters of Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, and the faction of sheikh Naim Kassm, the "number two man in the moment who has been denouncing Nasrallah's cult of personality for years"

Any bets on who is the most determined,
and who has the most to gain and lose?


andre79 said...

No clue but if Syria and Egypt end in the hands of Muslim Brotherhood (Mubarak is 80) can't be good news.

Anonymous said...


Lest we forget - William Francis Buckley

In the present multi-culti environment, the ritual torture to death of captive warriors of other tribes, in honor of the victorious tribal god, is a feature of uncivilised savages which it is politically correct not to mention, especially as Native Americans such as the Iroquois delighted in these abominations.

Mercifully for the captives, death would normally occur within two or three days of continual torture, due to heart failure, dehydration, blood loss or infection.

But consider the fate of a warrior captured by a savage tribe with the same Satanic ritual urge to torture in the name of their ‘god’, but with modern medical support to prolong the life of the victim almost indefinitely.

Such was the fate of William Francis Buckley, a US army officer who was ritually tortured by Muslims in the name of Allah continuously and unremittingly for 444 days before death finally claimed him.

William Buckley must have endured more suffering than any other human being in history, for despite agonising 24/7 torture for more than a year, the best doctors in Iran were on call to give life support to prevent his escape through death.

Buckley was captured in Beirut By Hisbollah on March 16, 1984. and was smuggled to Tehran via Damascus aboard an Iranian plane and taken to the cellars of the Iranian Foreign ministry, where he was tortured without respite or mercy until he died of a sudden heart attack despite best attempts at resuscitation. This abomination was carried out with the full support of the demonocratic Iranian government and the vile Islamic pedophile worshipping ‘clergy’.

Buckley’s remains were then sent back to Beirut and dumped in an unsuccessful attempt to hide Iranian involvement.

However during his torture numerous videos of the kaffir’s suffering and ‘humiliation’ (very important to the Muslim male) had been made and these eventually found their way into Mosques worldwide, where they were (and probably still are) used as propaganda to inspire youthful Jihadists.

Buckley’s appalling fate illustrates the Satanic nature of Islamic tribalism. He wasn’t tortured to extract information.

Like the prisoners of the Iroquois, he was tortured to appease a sadistic ‘god’ - Allah, aka Satan, the father of lies.

Islamic Religious justification:

"Buckley was the first American taken hostage in a string of terrorist acts by Lebanese disciples of the Ayatollah Khomeini. My partner Dale Van Atta's intelligence sources told him in late 1985 that Buckley had been tortured to death that spring after surviving a year of savage interrogation in Lebanon. He had been disguised as a wounded soldier of the Iranian revolutionary guard, Pasdaran, and flown to Damascus in a Syrian helicopter.

Intelligence reports indicated he had been loaded on an Iran Air 727 and flown to Tehran. The brutal torture continued in the basement of the Iranian foreign ministry; several times Buckley was hospitalized. The last time, he suffered three heart attacks and died.


• DR. AZIZ AL-ABUB (AKA: IBRAHIM AL-NADHIR): In the 1980s, Dr. al-Abub, the psychiatrist behind the torture and interrogation of hostages kidnapped by terrorists in Beirut, Lebanon, studied psychological "brainwashing" methods at the Patrice Lumumba campus in Moscow.......

• DR AL-ABUB'S ABDUCTION OF AGENT BUCKLEY: In 1984, William Buckley, an agent for the CIA in Beirut, Lebanon, was kidnapped outside his residence and was tortured and drugged for more than two years by Dr. al-Abub. Abub made videos of the hopeless state that Buckley and other hostages were in, all aimed at enraging administrations like that of the United States.23 After 444 days, William Buckley died not only from what Dr. al-Abub had done to him, but also from untreated pneumonia.24 Also

allegedly implicated in the abduction of agent Buckley was one of Osama Bin Laden's current chiefs, Imad Mughniyeh.25


Over the next 444 days, Buckley, the CIA’s Beirut station chief, was tortured by psychiatrist Aziz al-Abub, a member of the Iranian-based terrorist group, Hezbollah. They were 444 days in a living hell, whose devil had substance enough in the form of al-Abub, trained to inflict pain and suffering by drugs and other means. Each day, the psychiatrist would visit to inject or otherwise administer substances to the bound and helpless Buckley.

As the torment proceeded, a series of three videotapes of al-Abub’s victim were released, finding their way to the CIA. The systematic destruction of a once-proud and capable man was all too visible on the tapes. By the time the third video arrived at CIA headquarters, 224 days after the kidnaping, al-Abub had reduced Buckley to a gibbering, drooling mess, screaming in terror as his eyes rolled and his naked body shook.

The videos communicated far more than any words ever could, moving then CIA Director William Casey to say, “I just want that motherf – – - doctor. Dead or alive. I want him.”2

Today, Aziz al-Abub, also known as Ibrahim al-Nadhir, is reportedly alive and well, working in Iran in that country’s prison system.3

Hezbollah, of course, has been one of the Middle East’s most active terrorist organizations, drawing even more intense international scrutiny in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

The agony and ultimate death of Bill Buckley demonstrated that by 1984, terror masters were in command of psychiatric drugging and conditioning techniques capable of thoroughly altering a person’s behavior or destroying his sanity."

Epaminondas said...

Hizballah is Iran

That should be the announced policy of the USA

Rage University said...

Does anyone know anything more about the "good doctor" Aziz al-Abub, also known as Ibrahim al-Nadhir? Rumour has it that he is in Iran, but no evidence is supplied. Also, does anyone in Lebanon know anything about William Buckley's confession after torture in 1984. Was it ever published by Hezbollah? What about the videos of his torture and confession, has anyone seen them? More than 100 CIA agents were exposed at the time, does anyone have news reports of these exposures from the 1980s?