Saturday, January 10, 2009

Islam Not Recognized As A Religion In Italy

Here's an interesting little tidbit of information I gleaned from the comments section over at Jihad Watch. Islam is not recognized as a religion by the government of Italy.

Islam is not formally recognized by the state in Italy despite being the second largest faith after Catholicism. Other religions including Judaism and smaller groups such as the Assemblies of God and the Seventh-Day Adventists do enjoy official recognition in the form of signed agreements with the Italian government. Official recognition gives an organized religion a chance to benefit from a national "religion tax", known as the Eight per thousand.

Anyone have any additional information on this?

Commenter Lupodigubbio says the reason Islam is not recognized as a religion is because recognized religions, in the Italian system, are eligible for state funding. However, there has never been a representative Italian Muslim group who was not found to have ties to extremist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, the Italian government does not believe that it's funds would be put to good use.

It sounds to me like the Italian government has some sense that we are lacking here in the United States.

Lupodigubbio's statement, if true, backs up my oft-stated claim that,

There are no moderate Muslim political organizations, media outlets, academic institutions, or governments, of any considerable size, anywhere in the world.

I have been making that statement repeatedly here at IBA for about two years. I have yet to have been apprised of a single moderate Muslim organization. And, it sounds like the Italian government is experiencing the same dearth.

Good. At least they have the sense to face facts, even when they are unpleasant.


Citizen Warrior said...

That's interesting if true. I have also heard that Australia doesn't recognize Scientology as a religion. I think this might be a way around the Constitutional protection of religions.

If Islam can be shown to be more a political organization than a religious one, it might lose its status as a religion, which would strip it of certain protections.

Anonymous said...

I have info:

when you compile your income declaration there is a choice for destinatang the 0,8% of income tax at a religious organization. If you do not choice money will go to revenue service.

Actually there are 4 or 5 checkbox. I know for sure there is catholic church, Italian Hebrew organization, some evangelic churches.

There is not islam for a reason. The most representative organization here has repeatedly discovered to have connection with muslim brotherhood. So noone in governments have ever signed an agreement to let them partecipate in fund raising, couse everyone knows what that money will be used for.

Carlos Echevarria said...

Just like Scientology Islam is NOT a religion.

The Cult of Muhammad is a form of modern day gangsterism that engages in the most retrograde and heinous policies and protocols.

Moreover, inherently they can not live in harmony with other mainstream religions!!!

This is a struggle of light versus day, good versus evil and the quicker we comprhend that whether it be Sunni or Shi'a the ultimate goal is to destroy Western Civilization as we know it and imposed a world wide Caliphate with Sharia as the pervading law!!!