Friday, January 02, 2009

Israeli News Source, YNET, Hacked By Hamas

From Michael Travis.

The Website of "YNET" the English language online version of the leading Israeli newspaper "Yedioth Aharonoth" was hacked this morning.

Here's what we found when we tried to access the site; (I have attached a PDF copy of this email for your archives)

Hacked BY


The Bitter Truth History repeats itself all the victims were said to words such as "terrorists" and the only reason for those words and that the overwhelming offender and murderer was a stronger force, but will not last, and the criminals will be rotting in hell and can not escape the 
punishment of God

Holocaust :Victims (the Palestinians) - the offender (the Zionists) # are still ongoing #

Holocaust :Victims (the Iraqis) - the offender (U.S. military) # are still ongoing #


There are many images that continue to occur, but you learn from history?!

*  *  *

The only solution for peace for all peoples in Palestine, Jews and Muslims and Christians is the demise of the Zionist and that the treatment of malignant cancer tumor

Look at the result of X-Ray for tumor, and they will learn that they do not want the peace, it is a dirty game of global

Pastorius note: The idiots at Hamas attempt to illustrate Israeli evil by showing photographs of Abu Ghraib and the Holocaust.

Why do you think that is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "palestinians" are trying to deconstruct the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews and re-assemble the parts with the Jews in the place of the Nazis and themselves in the place of the Jews. They believe by this to gain the sympathy of those who know nothing about either political Islam or the Holocaust. Unfortunately, they appear to be succeeding to a very dangerous degree.