Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It is NOT Tinfoil Paranoia

Pastorius and I bantered on a thread about this a week or 10 days ago. So it was some small surprise and some large relief to find this at The Gunslinger's Journal. Pasto and I aren't crazy!. (Peanut gallery just keep mum)

Something is just wrong. And I don't mean oh there's a war going on but look at the level of weirdness here.

"Beheadings. Hangings from Cranes. Dictators hung. Stonings. Catastrophic tidal waves. Asian nations that can't feed their populations but can afford nukes toe to toe. Crashing economy. Some neophyte from outta nowhere with no record becomes President. Rogue scientists selling nuke know how to insane religious fanatics. Some arch villain straight out of a 2nd rate Bond movie first knocks down The Towers, kills 3,000 in a moment and now MAY have the ability to kill scores times that with a nuke but can't be found (there is no real James Bond), and if not him then same said religious fanatics may launch one off a trawler and ala ANOTHER Bond movie, send the U.S. back to the 1700's.

Crucifixions for pete's sake?!?!?"

If I were a Star Wars Fan (I think I'm the ONLY person in the universe who isn't) I'd describe it as a massive disruption in the force. Nothing you can put your finger on. Just a gut feeling. An instinctual overwhelming sense of dread.

The Gunslinger asks "Why are we being reminded over and over about using the military to protect the population in event of an emergency?" What the fuck's up?

She centerpunches a dime at 100 yds with a .45 here (I'm extremely happy to report this lady's on OUR side when the showdown comes).

Enough of my babble. From The Gunslinger:

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Posse Comitatus
There has been some buzz about this subject for a while now, and it appears it's not just a "black helicopter" paranoid's delusion.There is something on the horizon that our Rulers fears. They are not telling us, of course. Don't want to panic the little people. But something is up, or they would not be softening us up with talk of the Military being used domestically to "take care of us" in case of an emergency.

Whether they expect a serious uprising, or a monumental terrorist attack, or whether it's just the next step in the STATE's bid for total power, it's hard to say.

I'm starting to feel like I need a tinfoil hat, here. I'd prefer to be skeptical, but U.S. Militaary operations within the borders is as new and dreadful and anti-Constitutional as it gets.

And with Zero soon to be "Commander-In-Chief" it could hardly be more dangerous, considering his very casual relationship with the Constitution.Sometimes I think I'm just being paranoid.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being paranoid enough.

The Gunslinger


Michael Travis said...

The Homeland Security business puts beans on my table and strings on my guitar, so I do know a bit about what's going on.

You are not paranoid...you are just a bit confused about life in Post-America.

It's too late to complain now...the precedents have been set in granite...Y'all slept during Bush-Klinton-Bush...and now you have handed the tools of tyranny to President Obama.

Patriot Act indeed!

midnight rider said...

I didn't hand him the tools. I fought and stamped and cried and kicked and screamed and tried to take my tools home but no one would let me. . .

Post-America ;)

Actually, although the Gunslinger is dealing mostly with America here my paranoia is more global, for lack of a better word. A disease of the collective spirit in all things. Some very evil, palpably evil, is afoot, has moved in, taken over, whatever.

Maybe I harp on it a bit much but it's a feeling I haven't been able to shake. Especially when I have time to myself to chew things over.

I dunno. No disrespect to you & whatever your livelihood, Michael, but I like the other guitarslinger's (Nuge!) visions of Homeland Security better.

Anonymous said...

Here's my religious/fanatical take:Rev.12:13 'And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.' ...Dragon=Satan Woman=Israel ... I dunno maybe that's it?

midnight rider said...

Nothing fanatical about your take, CJK. Many people believe the same.

As for myself I've never been a big believer in End Times Prophecies. Interests me, certainly. But a believer not really. It would seem to interfere with the idea of God giving man free will. (yeah, this from a guy who believes in demons and angels among us and Guardian Angels on your shoulder. Mine has a .44 in 1 hand and a bottle of 100 proof in the other and has pulled my sorry ass out of more than 1 uncertain situation).

Always seems a lot of folks (not you, please don't read it that way)will twist Biblical Prophecies to fit events. True prophecies would not need to be twisted. In your example you are correct Dragon=Satan Woman=Israel . But to me it wasn't about the times we are in now but the times they were in then. The Book of Revelation was more a book of resistance literature (Dragon=Satan=Caeser) than of future prophecy. Ezekial, Isaiah etc books of guidance for the Israelites specifically and mankind generally. But a theological discussion is not what I'm trying to start.

My feeling has an apocalyptic bent to it to be sure. But more as if people are trying to force events to occur to fit the apocalypse and prophecies (the Iranians certainly are). Which would bring on the fulfillment of false prophecies and then we're all finished.

It seems in the last few years a great evil was unleashed on the Earth and we've been getting shadows or glimpses of it. I mean people are really fucked up in their thinking. And not just Muslims. But soon we're about to get the whole horrifying picture. And MAYBE survive to tell the tale. If we wake up.

Events, too. I mean my God 3 Years ago we nearly lost an entire American city to a storm. Americans living like third world refugees.

So I guess whether it's true end times prophecies or forcing the fulfillment of false prophcies it doesn't matter because finshed is finished.

What I do know is this (ok, go ahed, start making the tinfoil hats). . .
An hour or so before news of the first World Trade Center bombing I started thinking about the movie The Towering Inferno. Hadn't seen or thought bout it in 15 years. A few hours before Oklahoma CIty I was sitting in a smoke room and found myslef suddenly chanting "Please protect the children." And when my dad died the last song I heard on the radio before getting to the hospital was Robbie Robertson's It's A good Day to Die (there was too much weird shit like that surrounding his death) and he died 1/2 hour later, on his feet, in front of me.

All along God has often whispered to me when something was about to happen, for good or bad. Often it was just what the next song on the radio would be.

And then, when Pop died and breathed his death rattle into my ear as I lowered him to the bed 13 years ago, that whisper went silent.

Until a few weeks ago and it is like a Klaxon now but I can't put my finger on anything specific. And it frustrates me.

Or maybe it's just the tinnitus acting up. Goddam rock 'n roll ;>)

Athos said...

Apparently Roger Ebert agrees with you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I couldn't get much past Ebert yammering about the weather, as if hurricanes, heat waves, blizzards, tsunamis and the like never happened before. Roger, check out the weather history of the upper Midwest for the past couple hundred years, just as one example.

Nevertheless, there is the feeling of something massing out there just waiting for January 30 to roll around and let the "testing" begin. What would result in such massive civil unrest and upheaval that the Obaministration would feel it "necessary" to call out the military? We've been through several months of economic turmoil without riots in the streets. What would suddenly turn things violent?

I don't take the religious view, but I agree with MR. I think we sense some things building up on a subliminal level long before they manifest and there is plenty to set of those alarms now. Mine has been going off for about 3 years now.

midnight rider said...

Revere --

I don't agree with Ebert on the global warming jazz, either.

It feels like we are witnessing or are about to witness the end of America. At least as we know it. Something 10 years ago no one would have imagined. That is the most pessimistic I've ever been & I'm not comfortable with that.

Civil unrest might be touched off by certainly a major attack, especially depending on the governments response.

Or another catastrophic natural event.

The complete collase of the economy. We don't have the mindset our ancestors did during the Depression. We're too indulgent and won't stand for soup lines readily. We want it fixed now.

A shutdown of mideast oil. People watching their children shiver and freeze get somewhat testy.

A national Obama Gun Grab. 80,000,000 Americans are going to give up their guns?

The whack job left allows these protests to get violent. Someone is hurt. retaliation.

You're absolutely right. It feels as if something is massing out there.

It feels as if we are now poised on the abyss, with one foot stretched into space. . .

Anonymous said...

All legitimate possibilities, and I also feel the danger is to our existence as the nation that we have been, that it won't survive. I do get the impression that the trigger will come from an outside source. Could be anything from dirty bombs to OBL's "American Hiroshima" (assuming he can still get his act together) to an EMP, a bio/chemical attack, Mumbai-style attacks on a massive scale, oil cutoff, another catastrophic blow to the financial system. I don't see a natural disaster figuring in this, it's too unpredictable and the indications are that something will be done to us by a foreign source.

Of course, at the end of a day at the Borders where I work I can easily imagine the rioting being started by a bunch of disgruntled customers trying to return gifts with no receipt so they can use multiple expired coupons without the membership cards they forgot at home to get an additional discount on stuff already marked 50% off. We have a country full of whiny, huffy pampered pussywillows with entitlement complexes who wouldn't have made it through one month in 1933. And their king has just been elected president.

midnight rider said...

Well said indeed. Pussywillows wouldn't have made it in 1933;>)

No, and a black coffee in a soup line they'd be demanding their capparappafrissafrappinrippaccino.

I've been wondering about American Hiroshima. I first heard about it in Nov. 2001 (I think) at Asia Times in an interview with someone who supposedly had inside info on it. It was a hot topic for quite awhile but nothing in a long time. I know Paul Williams has his own legal troubles right now but what of this plot? Broken up? Williams silenced? Al Qaeda screwed up? Just being very patient? or we've been misinformed?

Pastorius said...

It seems to me that if they had the weapons they'd use them.

However, I have heard (friend of a friend) that HS did catch guys in possession of some sort of nuclear device.

I don't know whether to believe the rumor I heard.

midnight rider said...

Pastorius, that's what I think. It takes an unbelievable amount of time energy and money to maintain a nuke, let alone 7 of them. Would Al Qaida spend that much money just waiting around, when they could put it to other more immediately destructive uses instead?

I also read a story in several places that at an Israeli check point shortly after 9/11 the IDF stopped a guy carrying a fully functional backpack nuke.

Either way I'm not ready to write it off completely, either.

I was a year off on when I read it. It was first in Nov 2002, not 2001.

The interviewee was later debunked, but not his story itself. Because Asia Times couldn't trust his veracity they pulled the story down completely.

Snopes had it, however. If anyone's interested in what I think was the first mention of American Hiroshima (although it was not called that then) the story, in full, as well as the debunking, is here:


I don't know for sure when Dr. Willaims first started writing about it or where he originally got his info but this is the first I remember ever reading of such a plot.

The Gunslinger said...

It's starting to remind me of the Lord of the Rings...

..."A Shadow is Growing in the East".

Middle Earth had Aragorn and Gandalf.

We have Obama and Pelosi.

I'm not encouraged.