Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jewish Self-Defense Units Forming in US

The truth of this I don't know. If true it's about time. If not it's and idea to consider. But either way God Bless the 2d Amendment, pass the ammo.

from China Confidential h/t Abu Adullah:

Jewish Self-Defense Units Forming in US

Dateline USA....

Liberal idiocy and insane immigration policies have created a Muslim Fifth Column--and a nightmare for the American Jewish community. Jewish Institutions and individuals are threatened wherever there are large Muslim populations. No Jewish school or synagogue is safe. The police are almost powerless until it is too late....

Fortunately, liberal gun-control fanatics have not--yet--succeeded in disarming the American people. So increasing numbers of American Jews are arming themselves, training with handguns and other weapons, and organizing rapid-response self-defense units. Many units are active in Florida; but New York, which is home to the largest Jewish community, is a disaster. The city has the nation's strictest gun control laws; effectively, only cops and criminals carry guns in the Big Apple.

Time is of the essence. The new Democratic Congress and incoming Democratic administration are avowed enemies of lawful gun ownership and self-defense. The Democrats are also increasingly sympathetic to Muslim demands for special privileges and separate spaces--in the name of tolerance and pluralism. Twisted but true.


Anonymous said...

Gun control laws won't matter one whit when things blow, so get guns and ammo anyway.

Anonymous said...

A Jewish free newspaper in my area reported in December that at least 30 Jewish organizations have conducted exercises to prepare for Mumbai-type attacks. Emphasis was placed on practice security drills because reading manuals and other passive forms of preparedness are worthless without practice. The article notes that American Jewish institutions do receive some funding from Homeland Security's nonprofit grant program.

No "specific threats" were identified, though that was before the current outbreak of violent "protests". This area, along the northern coast of Massachusetts, has a large Jewish population, and there is at least one very active jihad-awareness organization urging the community to take this threat seriously. So far there have been no major "incidents".

Pastorius said...


God bless the Jews.