Friday, January 16, 2009

Lawrence Auster Posts David Duke Article at National Communication Association?


If this is the real Lawrence Auster, this goes a long way towards destroying the credibility of those who claim that Ethnic Nationalist advocates are not outright racists.

Posted yesterday at the moderated listserv of the National Communication Association, one of the two top organizations for scholars in the field of Communication: an antisemitic diatribe by David Duke. And unless someone is using his name, this disgusting article was posted by “racialist” writer Lawrence Auster—who has viciously attacked me for my opposition to European fascists.

Liberal academics, white supremacists, and “anti-jihadists.” One big happy family.

UPDATE - Auster denies the story:

... someone using my name has posted a David Duke article at something called Information Technology Services Listserv. Charles "Celtic Cross" Johnson inevitably picked it up and gleefully writes:

Posted yesterday at the moderated listserv of the National Communication Association, one of the two top organizations for scholars in the field of Communication: an antisemitic diatribe by David Duke. And unless someone is using his name, this disgusting article was posted by "racialist" writer Lawrence Auster--who has viciously attacked me for my opposition to European fascists.

Liberal academics, white supremacists, and "anti-jihadists." One big happy family.

[URL of Johnson post is below.]

Sorry to disappoint Johnson, but I had nothing to do with the Duke article. The same party who has sent out tens of thousands of anti-Semitic e-mails making them look as though they came from me and my e-mail address, thus rendering my regular AT&T mailbox unusable, has now gone onto another stage of the campaign.

That being said, for what it's worth, here is some information I found on Auster:

Interesting Auster link:

As I type, I'm glancing at some grotesque thing on ABC, about the Grinch and Christmas, in which humans interact in brotherhood with a variety of monstrous looking other species, and a little girl has a tender relationship with an unsettlingly hideous but sensitive and kind-hearted being called the Grinch ... How many whites will militate against vitally necessary immigration restrictions in the decades to come, how many young white females will be raped and murdered by nonwhites in the decades to come, because of the message of trusting and loving racial aliens that programs like this implant in them?


Here's another:

White Nationalist Lawrence Auster, a New York City freelance writer, has written what Jared Taylor of American Renaissance has described as, “the best book now available on America's immigration policy. The Path to National Suicide is an articulate, undeceived, and utterly compelling appraisal of a national policy that is quietly, relentlessly changing the very character of our nation.” Mr. Auster stated at an American Renaissance Conference, “Either blacks accept the above facts; accept a society where white Western standards of law, behavior and intellectual life are dominant and where advancement will be open for blacks only on an individual, not a collective basis; accept their status as an ethnic minority and be grateful to be living in a white society where they have goods and opportunities undreamed of in a black society; or else, if blacks are not willing to accept these things, then to avoid race warfare there must be peaceful separation between the races.”


The quote from Storm Front could very well, also be a hoax, but the quote in which Auster compares immigrants to "a variety of monstrous looking other species" is his own writing on his own blog.


Anonymous said...

When the normal mainstream spin fails to build anti-semetic momentum (think Bill Moyers) or there are signs they are sliding out of favor as pro-Israel sentiment grows exponentially (think Fiamma Nirenstein or as evidenced in Helsinki they bring in the black shirts.

Pastorius said...


You think that's what's happening?

That's a bizarre strategy, if so.

I was thinking it may have just been a slip by Auster, as if he didn't really he was posting in his own name.

Always On Watch said...

From the link:

If the Palestinians would have gone after Israel's leadership and bombed and maimed 3,000 Israelis, the media and government of the U.S. would be screaming about Palestinian terrorism and undoubtedly America itself would have bombed and attacked Palestinian targets.

Oh, really?

Anonymous said...

Lately, some disgruntled party has been subjecting Auster to spam attacks and smearing him by sending out spam under his name. LGF fell for the dirty tricks. Auster just posted on this, confirming what I wrote above. Who's behind the dirty tricks? Probably non-Jewish white nationalists who despise a Jew who fancies himself being a leader in White Nationalism.

Pastorius said...

Thanks, Abu.

The_Editrix said...

"Probably non-Jewish white nationalists who despise a Jew who fancies himself being a leader in White Nationalism."

As far as I know (I may be wrong) Auster is Episcopalian. When did they introduce the Nuremberg Race Laws to the US of A, according to which Auster would be a Jew? Please let me know.

One doesn't need to support everything Auster says, but to associate him with David Duke is preposterous. The fact that LGF was oh-so-easily convinced that he sent those emails himself, clearly shows the extent of malice on their side.

Btw, somebody is sending out emails with suggestions for penis enlargements from my address. Believe it or not, it wasn't I, and I am glad that it's ONLY that.

The_Editrix said...

Oh by the way, it just occurs to me: Isn't Charles Whatshisname from LGF a computer whizz?

Pastorius said...

I'm glad to hear those penis enlargement ads aren't really coming from you.


The_Editrix said...

"Auster is a Jewish supremacist, not a White supremacist."

Where does he state that Jews are superior over other ethnicities?

"It is his own ethnic group that he writes most in the defense of,"

That is because it is the most (and most unfairly so) maligned ethnic group.

Besides, he's not a member of that "ethnic group".

"... and his own people alone that he argues should be permitted to discriminate against all others on ethnic grounds."

Can you substantiate that claim?