Friday, January 02, 2009

Muslims in the West: Massive Deportations Needed

Stogie has a great point at his great blog:

Atlas Shrugs is running a lot of outrageous photos of Muslims and Palestinian supporters, with their hateful, anti-semitic signs and slogans. Palestinians murder Israeli civilians, yet carry signs saying "Israelis Are Murderers."

I hope Israel keeps it up. 

As for the swine who are demonstrating for the Palestinian barbarians on the streets of our cities, how about rounding them up and shipping them back to the cesspool that spawned them?


midnight rider said...

Kudos to Pamela. She has been doing Yeoman work especially in that respect.

Damien said...


Rob Taylor has also posted on this protest, if you are interested.

Unknown said...

We, alas, are a government of laws. I will go so far as to say we need to STOP immigration of muslims now.

I was at the HAMAS NYC rally. Our side did not like my sign connecting Islam and Hamas. But, it was clear that Muslims DO BACK the ANTI-WEST SIDE.

Please see my video footage on the rally at:

Damien said...

Culturist John,

Here's a direct link to your site. Its very good! Did you happen to see what Rob Taylor wrote about it? It was also good.

andre79 said...

Not sure where to post but I just found this disturbing clip in which Fathi Hamad admits Hamas has created a human shield made of women and children.

It is in French but I can translate if needed.

SamenoKami said...

If (a big if) we would admit that we are at war w/islam, the US could take action against muslims in this country like we did in WWII.
In 1942 the nazis didn't walk and demonstrate freely on our streets.
Of course back then we didn't care about being politically correct, nor care what the world tho't of us.

Pastorius said...

Wow! Please do translate it. That is a very important story.

Pastorius said...

Before 9/11, we all believed Islam was a religion. More and more Americans are coming to understand that Islam is a religion like no other. Those who pay attention a bit more recognize that it is, instead, a violent political ideology posing as a religion.

It is not just those of us who hang out at IBA, Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch, and other anti-Jihadist websites, who understand the problem.

The other day I was speaking to someone with whom I do business. He called me right after I had read a story about the legalization of crucifixion in Gaza. I was upset, and he could hear it in my voice. He asked me what was up, and I simply said, "Well, I just read that Hamas legalized crucifixion."

His response?

"Well yes, Islam is a violent political ideology as well as a religion. It is very dangerous."

I asked him how he had come to understand this. He said, "I pay attention to the news."

Pastorius said...

Culturist John,
Thanks. I posted on your story.

Great stuff.

Pastorius said...

Thanks. I checked out the post from Rob Taylor. I appreciate the heads up.

Unknown said...


Thanks so much for spreading 'the word.'


I did not know about Rob Taylor. When I google him and culturism / culturist, nothing recognizable comes up. Do you have a link?


Always On Watch said...

All these Pseudostinians and Pseudostinian supporters marching in the streets -- why isn't that sedition?

andre79 said...

Ok, I tried to translate as best as I could but since neither English nor French are my native there may be some errors, if someone finds inaccuracies then please correct them. There it is:

Hamas and its human shield made of women and children

Hamas declares without any shame, to who bothers to listen, that women, children and elder people serve to protect Hamas combatants. This is their role in jihad.

Hamas continues to promote its religious ideology, underlining that death for Allah is an ideal to be actively pursued.
We have subtitled in French this short clip from a discourse of Fathi Hamad, Hamas representative in the PA council, in which he claimed few months ago that he created a shield of women, children and aged people to protect Hamas jihadists.

Recently the UN announced that 51 Palestinians civil died during the Gaza conflict. As regrettable as this balance is, it must be put under the context that Palestinian civils are deliberately exposed to bombs by Hamas.

Clip captions:
For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry

In which excel the women and all the people of this land:

The older people excel, the jihadists excel

And the children excel

Consequently, [the Palestinians] created a human shield of women, children

Older people and jihadists

Against the Zionist bombing machine

That is telling the Zionist enemy

We want death just as much as you desire life.

Anonymous said...

First off, I say give them what they want. In quantity.

That being said, this is an attempt to turn the practice of using women, children, and the elderly as human shields into something the enemy will admire. The Nazis sent children out to fight in the end, and the Japanese were training women and children to fight on the beaches with sharpened bamboo poles in the event of an invasion.

The notion of women, children, and old folks who "excel" in an "industry of death" is repulsive to most Westerners and encountering its practice is traumatic. The Islamists are hoping to transform that cognitive dissonance into sympathy and admiration, but they know that to do that they first have to make Westerners believe that the "evil Zionists" are forcing the poor "palistinians" to resort to this.

One Beslan-type massacre in this country would bring a swift end to that delusion. Is that what it is going to take?

Pastorius said...

Thanks for doing this great service for us, my friend.

Damien said...

Culturist John,

I can give you a link to Rob Taylor's Web page here. Just click on the words Red_Alarts and it should take you to his site. If you want a link to the article I linked to earlier, click here.

And if you prefer, here is the address for his web page, that you copy and put in your browser.

You may have had trouble finding Rob, when it comes to culturism / culturist, because as far as I know, he has never used those words, but judging by some of things he has written, he is a real fan of western culture. Also, I only know of him from Red Alerts, I never met him face to face.

By the way, I left a comment on your Culturist_Anthropology_Lessons blog post

Damien said...


I'm glad you appreciate it. I hope that post of Mr. Taylor's was of use to you.

jeppo said...

The pro-Israel counter-protesters at these Muslim hatefests should carry signs saying simply "Stop Muslim Immigration Now". This is the message that must be repeated over and over and over again ad nauseam ad infinitum until that slogan is on the lips of every infidel in the land. Only then will our politicians wake up and act.

Pastorius said...

That's a very good point. Over and over. We should have some sort of image we all use. Brand the idea.

Unknown said...


That is the best comment I've heard in a while. "Stop all Muslim immigration now!!!' LOVE IT!!!

If I can find my guts, perhaps I'll try it tomorrow!

Thanks, Culturist John

Damien said...

Culturist John,

I left a new comment over at your blog. Again, sorry about confusing you about what Rob Taylor put on his blog.