Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Pamela has a big photo essay up of a huge PRO-Israel Rally in New York today. A refreshing change from the crap and bullshit we've been seeing splashed across our needya (media needs us) screens.

from AtlasShrugs:


The last minute, thrown together pro-Israel rally in NYC today was so packed, so overwhelming, they were turning Jews away. You could not get to the rally. The support parade was across from the Israel consulate between 42nd and 43rd. The police could not contain the throngs of happy, peaceful supporters and forced folks off 2nd Avenue. It was unbelievable.

I have been to all those Jew hating rallies, and they take over whole swaths of New York (this past weekend, for example) - they are given huge amounts of space, but the cops would not let us into the barricades. The Israel supporters were pouring into the streets. The young and the old - what a stark contrast from the haters' demonstrations. Dark vs. light.

pics here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so nice to see :)

I also support Israel, but I understand that people are scared to do this sort of thing in Europe, for example. There's so much hate and anti-Semitism..I wish there were protests like this one.