Thursday, January 01, 2009

O Allah send upon them that which descends from the skies

From Jihad Watch:

This video is also being sent around on Muslim email lists in the United States today. Kufr is unbelief. Fasad is mischief or corruption, for which the Qur'an prescribes penalties: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter" (5:33).

Common Muslims receive this in their email? They watch it and pass it on? Do they hate us this much?


midnight rider said...

Need you ask?

Pastorius said...

Turn the questions into statements, and then ask yourself that question again.

Need I ask?


Here's another question, by the way. What are we going to do about it?

Damien said...


Spread the word, that's what we're going to do about it.

Pastorius said...


This video is from a Muslim email list. We should send it around on Infidel email lists.

Damien said...


By the way, did you see my comment on that last video I linked too? I made it clear that was not me. But you didn't respond so I am not sure you saw it.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I saw it.


I was just concerned that, if it had been you, I may have hurt your feelings.

Most of us who write blogs, comment, make videos, do radio shows, etc., are trying our hardest to do good work. All of us make mistakes. It usually hurts when people point out your mistakes.

Happy New Year, Damien.

Damien said...


Trust me pointing out my mistakes will never hurt my feelings. I don't get hurt that easily.

Pastorius said...

That's a good thing. You're a rare individual.

midnight rider said...

Spread the word is right. And a helluva job is done here, though getting people to listen is another matter entirely.

Happy New Year all and here's hoping 2009 is the year we finally destroy The Beast Islam for good.

Hoping. . .

andre79 said...

Hopefully the US will see the difference between "citizens" and "colonists". Allow me to open your skull: "colonists" are those who jeer and give free CocaCola on 9/11. Pick your guess.

midnight rider said...

Citizens return fire. Overwhelmingly.

Pastorius said...

Very good distinction, MR and Andre.


midnight rider said...

An Armed Man is a Citizen. A disarmed one a subject.

Free men own guns, slaves do not. To enslave a nation, disarm the population.

Best evidence of that? Nazi Germany.

midnight rider said...

Best evidence of citizens "returning fire"? Flight 93.

Like them we are in the fight of our lives but, generally, aren't acting like it (IBA et. al. excluded) and do a monstrous diservice to their ghosts behaving as such.

René O'Deay said...

Get it banned on Youtube. NOW!

midnight rider said...

Good luck with, Rene.

midnight rider said...

Try again

Good luck with THAT, Rene.

Anonymous said...

If Achmed chooses to believe this stuff, I think he's going to discover why Western Civilization is on top of things and the world passed them by.

I feel sorry for those who take this crap seriously. They're going to die. And they may just take their families with them.

Pastorius said...

I think you are right.

René O'Deay said...

Flagging it on youtube and the others the same guy has posted might take more than just one person.
But I did flag it and youtube sent me a thank you note. just flagged it again.
From what I hear there are a lot of jihadists swarming youtube, and trying for facebook and on digg and other sites.

Pastorius said...

Yes, recently Jihadists announced an initiative to spread Jihad via Facebook.

Thanks for doing what you are doing.

I think many people believe it is futile because, ultimately, these decisions are up to Google (who owns YouTube), and they seem to have a track record of siding with Jihadists over anti-Jihadists.