Sunday, January 11, 2009

Obama: All Will Sacrifice for the Greater Good

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, who is a rabid cheerleader for an American smiley-face fascism:

Stephanopoulos: Are you talking about a grand bargain ... where everybody in the country is going to have to sacrifice something, except change, for the greater good?

Obama: Yes!

Stephanopoulos: And when will that get done?

Obama: ... but, what you described is exactly what we're going to have to do. What we have to do is take a look at, uh, our structual deficit, how we are paying for government, what are we getting for it, and how do we make the system more efficient.

Stephanopoulos: And eventually sacrifice from everyone?

Obama: Everybody is going to have to give, everybody is going to have to have some skin in the game.

Americans can't say they weren't warned. Now The Messiah wants the skin off your back. And he means to get it.

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

Crossposted at The Dougout


Damien said...

Grant Jones,

At least in this instance I think he's being honest.

Anonymous said...

He gets no skin off my you-know-what or any other part of me.

If it's sacrifice he wants, I can probably remember some of those rituals from back when I was investigating cults. Send over a chicken and your wish list, Barry.

I can see I'm going to spend a lot of the next 4 years honing my skills at avoidance behavior.

Damien said...


So you're willing to sacrifice a chicken so you don't have to sacrifice to Obama? Peta is going to hate your guts. Now I have heard one or two people call Peta a cult. Do you think they will sacrifice some of their Tofu to stop you from sacrificing your chicken?

- :)

Mark said...

This guy will change NOTHING! He's FULL of HOT AIR!

Anonymous said...


Maybe we can get PETA to compromise on a tofu chicken?

Damien said...


You said,
This guy will change NOTHING! He's FULL of HOT AIR!

Yes, but he's charismatic and full of hot air. I just hope we don't pay too dearly for electing him.

Anonymous said...

No, he is the soon to be president of the United States who is filled with the ideas of collectivism and altruism. He has a Congress that is in complete agreement that Americans must sacrifice their liberty for progressive change. Don't underestimate The Empty Suit.

Damien said...
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Damien said...
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Damien said...

Grant Jones,

I understand full well that Obama is a socialist, but he is also full of hot air. He got elected largely because of his Charisma, his "Hope and Change" mantra, and the fact that he's not a republican. A lot of people are angry at Bush.

The scariest thing about Obama is how much people idolize him. His altruism is not that scary, nor his collectivism. Altruist philosophies for one thing, are usually so vague that they can be used to justify contradictory actions, by two separate individuals, without running either of them running into a contradiction. Altruism is not a motivating force anyway, people's desires are.

Lets face it, McCain didn't do a very good job.

Mark said...


Yes, but he's charismatic and full of hot air. I just hope we don't pay too dearly for electing him.

Yes, his charisma has got him far. I fear, however, that the Americans will pay a very high price for electing this empty suit.

The election of Obama has proved one thing to us all: Experience counts for little in politics, appearance is everything!

One has to ask oneself the horrible question: Is democracy on its last legs?