Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Presidency Ages A Man

Suddenly, Obama's hair is gray. I don't believe this is simply a matter of the man forgetting his dye job. Dude's hair is already turning gray from the stress of inheriting this job at this time in history. At this rate, in just a few months, it will be white.

Who could envy the man?

Considering what the Presidency does to age a man, here's my prediction. In just a few years from now, Barack Obama is going to look like Gollum.

Let's hope he doesn't start to act like him.


Pastorius said...

Really, am I right, or am I right?

BabbaZee said...

You right!

Hey look what happen to Moses Heston when he went uphill and back that one time

Anonymous said...

He does look a bit more gray. On a side note, we have been and will be hearing a lot about President Obama today and in the next few weeks. How about some coverage of the Hamas "victory parade"?

Pastorius said...

Muslims declared victory when they really lost?


What did I miss? I passed over that story thinking it wasn't important.

By the way, did you know that MUSLIMS INVENTED EVERYTHING?!?!?!

Damien said...


Well maybe this will give you hope for our new leader.

Pastorius said...

May he piss off Muslims for the next eight years.

Even better, may he drive an imprentrable wedge between bad Muslims and normal human beings who call themselves Muslims.

Damien said...


So you saw the videos?

Damien said...

Well anyway, I'm glad your happy.

Pastorius said...

Yes, I watched one of the videos. Like the Red Alerts guy said, it was tedious.

Damien said...


I know, even reading some of those comments was tedious. However we can at least be happy that Obama is doing one thing right. The Islam-o-fascists of the world still hate us, and I don't want to live in a country that they would like.

Pastorius said...

As long as they hate us, we're doing something right.

Damien said...



midnight rider said...

Precious, I gots me Precious! Oh, Precious won't hurts me, won't hurts poor Smeagol. . .

Pastorius said...

I found it, I did. A way through the marshes. Orcs don't use it. Orcs don't know it. They go round for miles and miles. Come hobbitses, soft and quick as shadows we must be.