Thursday, January 01, 2009

Times of London: All Hamas wants is a 'just resolution'

This article is beyond belief. The Times of London runs an op-ed piece by one William Sieghart, described as chairman of an 'independent conflict resolution agency,' who claims that Gaza is a secular society and that Hamas will recognize Israel's 'right to exist' once a 'just resolution' of the 'Palestinian question' is found. Pardon me, but Mr. Sieghart is a moron (Hat Tip: Memeorandum and Hot Air).
In the five years that I have been visiting Gaza and the West Bank, I have met hundreds of Hamas politicians and supporters. None of them has professed the goal of Islamising Palestinian society, Taleban-style. Hamas relies on secular voters too much to do that. People still listen to pop music, watch television and women still choose whether to wear the veil or not.

The political leadership of Hamas is probably the most highly qualified in the world. Boasting more than 500 PhDs in its ranks, the majority are middle-class professionals - doctors, dentists, scientists and engineers. Most of its leadership have been educated in our universities and harbour no ideological hatred towards the West. It is a grievance-based movement, dedicated to addressing the injustice done to its people. It has consistently offered a ten-year ceasefire to give breathing space to resolve a conflict that has continued for more than 60 years.
Josef Mengele was a medical doctor too. In fact, Hitler's Third Reich was full of doctors, dentists, scientists and engineers. That didn't stop the Holocaust.

Mr. Sieghart may have visited the West Bank and Gaza 100 times in the last five years, but he has obviously never opened a Koran or bothered to examine any of Hamas' propaganda. Here's an example of what Hamas tells their 'people.' This appeared on Hamas' al-Aqsa Television station on July 13, 2008. Maybe Mr. Sieghart was in London that day. Let's go to the videotape.


Anonymous said...

What kind of bubble do people like Sieghart live in that he believes he is talking to nice, educated, reasonable people who just want "peace" and a resolution of "grievances"? Obviously it is the same as the one occupied by those who visited German in the '30s, talked to all those nice reasonable, upstanding doctors and professors and somehow managed to miss the Nuremburg rallies, the goose-stepping soldiers in the streets, the kids in their Hitler Youth uniforms, and the people with the yellow stars sewn on their clothes.

We are seeing the old nightmare play out in a new production. The sets and costumes are different but the characters and plot remain the same. But this time we know what the ending will be unless someone rings the curtain down on these fools before they have a chance to make it happen.

Happy New Year. Be safe and strong.

Anonymous said...

Sieghart's comments aren't related directly to Obama, but his enthralment by the Hamas leaders made me think of Ali Sina's essay on the narcissistic personality disorder as manifested in politicians and its effect on others. It can be found at

I'm not a big fan of "psychohistory" but there is no denying the accuracy of Ali Sina's observations.

SamenoKami said...

The political leadership of Hamas is probably the most highly qualified in the world. Boasting more than 500 PhDs....
Yeah, and what are they doing with that knowledge? Is the world being made a better place? Are diseases being cured? Technology advancing? Oh, I forgot. In 1400yrs muslims haven't contributed squat to the planet. Death and destruction they have down pat.
If world leadership doesn't grow a set and get a clue in '09, IBA will be talking about muslims taking over more of the civilized world this time next yr.

Epaminondas said...

Ethnocentric arrogance and functional anitsemitism masquerading as fair play.

This person was named by the New Statesman (remember that cover?) as one of the BEST of the young British, and is the founder of THE FORWARD PUBLISHING COMPANY..owner of Forward Thinking

Conflict resolution in a true conflict of the peoples, Mr. Sieghart, is what occurs after complete defeat on the battlefield.
Otherwise we only have conflict postponement for more and better weapons, you utter fool.

The breathtaking, ventricle halting, Code Blue GALACTIC MORONITUDE displayed in this :
"The top 1,000 people who run Israel - the politicians, generals and security staff - and the top Palestinian Islamists have never met. Genuine peace will require that these two groups sit down together without preconditions" is simply a statement of such intense ahistoric ignorance that my opinion of the Times has flatlined.

Always On Watch said...

The political leadership of Hamas is probably the most highly qualified in the world. Boasting more than 500 PhDs in its ranks, the majority are middle-class professionals - doctors, dentists, scientists and engineers.

And they got their degrees from where?

andre79 said...

Mr Sieghart seems to forget what was the occupation of those who bombed London.