Tuesday, January 06, 2009

"We Were Attacking The Niggers" - The Truth About The Sudanese Genocide


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Anonymous said...

Juxtapose the image of this healthy male, dressed in smart western styled suit and tie against the reality of his role as janjeweed commander in the Darfur genocide.

The tone and setting for this discussion is absurd and insane. In the very least, a laser pinpoint from an imagined snipers weapon should be photoshopped into this video for viewer satisfaction.

No surviving member of Darfur's society - non-Arab-muslim or christian - should endure watching this genocidal barbarian's smug satisfaction without being given the opportunity to personally address him with the weapon of their choice.

rider said...

Keep truth telling - Pastorius-as will we all...thank you for the vid...

Pastorius said...

It really is amazing. Our enemy is so patently evil. It's as if Muslims came out of central casting for a new Spielberg knockoff movie.

Ok, what kind of enemy do you want?

I want an enemy who shrouds himself in all black, even covering the face, and enemy who carries around the entrail of dead humans, who is deeply racist, whose god cries out for endless blood, an enemy who hates music and all that is beautiful.

What will it take for us to see?

Pastorius said...

Thanks for the encouragement.