Sunday, June 21, 2009

Am I making a difference?

I have been meaning to write a follow up to my post “
The Dark Side of Dubai: Part 1” for a long time now. I just haven’t been able to manage enough time and gather enough words to be able to write a post though. Tonight as I am unable to sleep, I am unusually aware of how not enough is being done in the world to right the wrongs committed by Mohammed. Don’t get me wrong, I am not downplaying what the counter-jihad writers have done in the blogosphere however still I believe not enough is being done.

As I was reading through Pedestrian Infidel and IBLOGA just before I started writing this post, I was even more aware that our voices are not being heard as much as they should be. There is great progress that we have made over the years, we have a dedicated audience that reads our articles and follows every bit of what’s said and there are people from among that audience who have decided to join our effort but what makes me sad is that when I browse through a newspaper or listen to news, I hear the same crap (like “Islam is a religion of peace and has been hijacked by extremists”) that I used to hear 5 years ago.

I know I am asking for too much when I hope that mainstream media is going to maybe once get it straight but...

Read the rest over at PI.


Anonymous said...

*someone please steal this idea and make it happen*

Y'all remember that clever little video loop that made Hitler appear to dance a jig when he first heard about France's capitulation during WW2?

Well, I've long felt that W's initial "Islam is a religion of peace" statement, made shortly after 9/11, was really the beginning of a colossal information blunder. And now, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the audio we all received with that bizarre statement was in fact slightly fudged!

Someone with video editing skills might just be able to "enhance" the sound quality to the degree that George Bush's complete message finally becomes audible for the masses. Then we could all hear George Bush clearly saying the words: "dot com" instead of simply clearing his throat.

And the world could begin to make sense again.

(Note: If your copy of the ROP video doesn't include the little cough I mentioned, you must have the really bad copy.)

Mother Effingby said...

Avenging Apostate, here is what I think we need to do. The blunder as Anonymous ably put it, is that we have been hearing Islam is a religion of Peace, and all the while seeing that it isn't. Unless we confront the unmentionables about Islam, openly, honestly and with the knowledge that doing so may get us killed, we will never see an end to this. The revolution in Iran will mean nothing.
People need to realize why Iran has such a huge population of young people thirty and is because during the Iran-Iraq war of the early eighties, Iran ran out of men and began sending in its young boys, armed only with the promises of cowardly mullahs and plastic keys to heaven, to the front lines, and so lost a generation of elders. The ones that brought the Islamic revolution by and large killed themselves off in a war over oil...yes, that's right, a war for oil. A war that neither side can really say they won. Back in that day, Sadam was our good friend against Khomeini.
Our president is a coward and won't say anything. Good or bad, here we sit, the biggest effing cheerleader on the world's stage, and our panty waist prez says NOTHING!