Friday, June 05, 2009

David Horowitz' Take On Obama's Al-Azhur Speech

From Front Page:

Yes he rewrote history, particularly the history of Muslim and Arab rapacity and bigtory, and he pandered a lot. But the pandering was in large part diplomacy and far less than conservatives were predicting, and far less than the pandering that characterized his previous attempts to mollify the Muslim world. He most pointedly did not apologize for American actions after 9/11, or seek to find excuses for the terrorist attacks in our policies and behavior before 9/11. On the contrary, he deliberately opened the wound of 9/11 to justify America’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“We did not go by choice, we went because of necessity. I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet Al Qaeda chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts…”

And Iraq! This is the war he had opposed as unnecessary and wrong, until now. In Cairo he did not apologize for “Bush’s war” or America’s “occupation.” He said that the Iraqis were better off without Saddam Hussein, which obviously could not have happened without the war – a truism, which for seven years Democrats failed to concede. Where Kennedy and Gore and Obama himself condemned America’s war as “unnecessary,” “illegal” “based on lies,” an aggression against a “fragile and unstable” country that could not defend itself, Obama, speaking in a Muslim capital, defended our presence in Iraq as driven by a desire to give Iraqis their freedom and their country. Bush could not have said it better.

As for the Middle East conflict, Obama  began – began – by telling the Muslim world that the bond between Israel and the United States is unbreakable, and by opening the wound of the Jews that made a homeland for them a moral imperative: “America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.”

And then he characterized Holocaust deniers like Ahmadinejad as despicable, and identified them as a cause of war in the Middle East, and announced that he was going to Buchenwald the next day (clearly to underscore that fact): “Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust. Tomorrow, I will visit Buchenwald, which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved, tortured, shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich. Six million Jews were killed - more than the entire Jewish population of Israel today. Denying that fact is baseless, ignorant, and hateful. Threatening Israel with destruction - or repeating vile stereotypes about Jews - is deeply wrong, and only serves to evoke in the minds of Israelis this most painful of memories while preventing the peace that the people of this region deserve.”

And while Obama made false parallels between Jews and Arabs as contributors to the intractability of the Middle East conflict and rewrote some history, he also said in no uncertain terms that it was Palestinians who had to renounce violence (and here he drew no parallels and no moral equivalence) and had to recognize the Jewish state -- something even the “moderate” terrorist Abbas refuses to do.

And to underscore this point he drew a parallel between the struggles of American blacks for civil rights and Palestinians. But unlike Condoleeza Rice who not too long ago drew the same parallel to aggrandize the PLO terrorists as civil rights activists, Obama drew a sharp and revealing line of distinction between them: “Palestinians must abandon violence. Resistance through violence and killing is wrong and does not succeed. For centuries, black people in America suffered the lash of the whip as slaves and the humiliation of segregation. But it was not violence that won full and equal rights. It was a peaceful and determined insistence upon the ideals at the center of America’s founding.“

And that was really the core of Obama’s speech. It was a defense of America’s founding and America’s mission. We are a tolerant nation and a peaceful nation Obama told 1.5 billion Muslims and we will accept and embrace you if you reject the violent and hateful among you and walk a peaceful and tolerant path. And this tolerance must extend not only to the Jews of Israel, and other infidels, but to Muslims among you who are oppressed ...

Go read the whole thing.


Always On Watch said...

Hmmmmm....I wonder how Mr. Horowitz feels about some of Robert Spencer's recent parsings of BHO's Cairo Speech?

Pastorius said...

Who knows? What I do like about Horowitz, though, is that his reading of Obama's speech vs. Spencer's reading of the same speech shows you Horowitz is willing to tolerate dissent on his website.

That makes two anti-Jihad websites I know of who will allow dissent.

revereridesagain said...

Now that the song "Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland" is stuck in my head for the rest of the evening, may I respectfully ask Mr. Horowitz, whom I usually admire, WHAT THE HELL FLAVOR KOOL-AID HE HAS BEEN DRINKING?

Trying for the positive outlook is all well and good but this level of wishful thinking about a speech like that one? That is unplugging the noisy brain and just going with the flow of feelings to Obamaland where all will be well if we can just persuade the Islamists to give up violence...

...and we'll be happy to help them institute more Shariah law here in one of the world's largest Muslim nations so they'll be able to pay their zakat...

...and keep reassuring them that we understand how much they have contributed to our culture, every bit as much as those DWM Founding Father guys and ancient Greeks and Renaissance dudes because the Muslims really invented all of it first...

...and Obama reminded everyone that the Holocaust was just as bad as that Zionist Occupation of the Palestinian homeland, that oughtta show that Ahmadinejad jerk where to get off... thanks. I'll go with Rush's take on it, with all his fulminating he still got it right where Horowitz just soaked it up like a blotter and got it all backwards.

Always On Watch said...

Mr. Horowitz's daughter Sarah, who passed away some time before the election, was a staunch supporter of BHO. Could that have anything to do with Horowitz's attitude?

I also note that he has written a couple of blog posts explicating how too many of us who criticize BHO have Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Pastorius said...

Actually, RRA, I think you hit on one of the things about Obama which makes him so illusive. One of the reasons I keep posting all these different views on his speech is that we get such widely varied opinions from people on Obama, and the opinions do not necessarily break down on party lines.

Just a couple weeks ago Yid With Lid wrote an essay on why he thought Obama was good for Israel. Then yesterday, he ripped Obama's speech. We would never expect Horowitz to like Obama's speech, and yet, here it is, he likes it.

Obama is a optical illusion. A person can see him one way one day, and the next day, he is the opposite. And, likewise, people who ascribe to the same ideology will see him in opposite ways.

This could be because in a way he is like Chance the Gardener, and we all just place our own view on him.

I don't think it's that simple though. I think Obama is really good at couching his intentions in multi-faceted phrases, which though they may sound specific, have a poetic quality for him, and thus for others.

He is a genius at saying almost nothing.

Anonymous said...

Chance the Gardener (fiction) was a genuine innocent. Obama is no innocent .. . the reflection (non-fiction) of years of careful political sculpting by Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Frank M. Davis, as well as "his friends at Occidental who tended to be blacks, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors, feminists, and punk-rock performance poets", not forgetting that Both at Occidental College in California and at Columbia College in New York, Obama's roommates were foreign Muslims.

Obama's reflection is genuine and a direct result of his chosen networks and connections to the desert prophet.

revereridesagain said...

If Obama lacked the influences cited by Anonymous I'd be more willing to see him as naive. However, everything in his background points in one direction. He scorns the founding principles of America except when he can use them to his own advantage. He is not a mainstream Christian but a stew of Black Liberationist Christianity and Muslim influences. His political background is rooted in socialism and Marxism. He acts according to his nature, as do all things, and the likelihood of his undergoing a sudden epiphany or change of heart is a mirage. Nor do I entirely trust that his path to the Islamization of the West will be entirely without violence. The frog may not jump out of the pot when it begins to violently boil because by that time it is half-cooked.

revereridesagain said...

AOW, I think you may be right about Horowitz. It must be terribly difficult for him to try to look at Obama objectively with the memory of his daughter's hopes haunting him.

The_Editrix said...

For Heaven's Sake! However traumatising the loss of a child may be, that oughtn't to influence the judgement of a political pundit of the importance Horowitz is supposed to possess.

What he writes is bordering on insane.

Anonymous said...

John Hanson (1715-1783) was the first president (1780-1783) of the United States under the Confederation before the Oligarchs took power with the Constitution which allowed Bush to be president and the ownership of guns. Hanson was an Oldenburg Moor, a black nobleman, and like Elijah-Moses-Enoch-Baptist-Mahdi-Elvis, went to space on a fiery alien ship and never died. Hanson has returned as Obama to end the evil Oligarchy! This is why they could never find Obama's birth certificate! Danny Lazare is right to want to change this NRA chad Oligarch Constitution which allows the angry white talk radio males to object to Obama's berth certificate! We must impeach Scalia to disable the southern oligarchs of Calhoun, Corker, & Shelby and their demented Constitution. They have this evil bill of rights with rights for hate speech, guns, lobbyist blogging, campaign bribery, states, property, bonuses, and other oligarchic thievery that needs to end! Such euphemism, like when they call you boy as if they ever intend to call you man when you "grow"! This is why we must oppose oligarch-serving superstition by supporting one-state solutions in India-Packistain, Palestain-Isreal, Turkey-Grease, Creatia-Servia, Armeania-Asbyjean and Zahir-Condo. Then we can abolish greed and superstition across the globe with free psychiatric healthcare. We need to do domestically like we did in Servia, to teach these oligarchs they have no rights to be superstitious racists.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for filling us in, Vernon.
