Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Was Raped By The Taliban And I Liked It...

From Seraphic Secret:

Joanie de Rijke, feminist friend to the Taliban.

Ever wonder why western so-called feminists rarely protest the oppression of women in Muslim countries?

In Afghanistan women who try and get an education regularly have acid thrown in their faces. Or they are just murdered in the streets. In Saudi Arabia women are forbidden to drive. All over the Muslim world so-called honor killings are everyday occurrences.

And yet western feminists are silent, reserving their energies for pro-abortion activism—including barbaric third term abortions—and advocating for changing the traditional definition of marriage.

It's safe to say that most secular western feminists are leftists and their world view is a fashionable cocktail of Marxism, multi-culturalism, moral equivalence and a strong dose of tolerance—if not downright admiration—for the most intolerant fanatics who stalk this earth.

And the poster child for this world view is Dutch leftist/feminist/journalist Joanie de Rijke who was kidnapped by the Taliban and serially raped for six days until a ransom of $137,000 was paid by the Dutch government.

Joanie de Rijke2.jpg
Joanie de Rijke traveled to Afghanistan to conduct a “sympathetic
interview” with Taliban Islamists who killed ten French troops.

I believed that rape is evil.

I believe that rapists should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I believe that victims of rape—and I heard lots of rape stories when I was researching a film in prison, so I include homosexual rape in this equation—have been violated in ways that can almost never be psychically expunged.

But what do I know.

I'm not an enlightened progressive.

Most women who get repeatedly raped while being held captive might find that a tad objectionable. Not Joanie de Rijke, 43 year old left wing Dutch journalist who traveled to Afghanistan expecting to interview members of the Taliban. Taken captive by a Taliban commander, she was repeatedly raped by her Muslim captor while awaiting payment of a ransom. He even invited her to have a threesome with one of his three wives. After the ransom was paid and Ms. de Rijke was released, she defended her captor, saying she bore no animus: “I do not want to depict the Taliban as monsters. I am not angry with Ghazi Gul. After all, he let me live” and, she added, "they . . . respected me" and that they gave her "tea and biscuits.”


Damien said...


This sounds like either this lady is an extreme masochist or its Stockholm Syndrome times ten! I can't imagine anyone enjoying getting rape, other than someone who likes to suffer. Could the trauma from her experience have driven her insane? What is wrong with this woman?

Damien said...


So you think it might be an extreme form of Stockholm Syndrome?

Carlos Echevarria said...

Ironically, Wilders was excoriated in The Netherlands for denouncing her as having some kind of Stockholm Syndrome?????

Pastorius said...

That's right. I had forgotten about that. In fact, Wilders said that she was a symbol of Eurabian Stocholm Syndrome, or Dhimmification.

Damien said...

Carlos Echevarria,

I would call it extreme Stockholm Syndrome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Giving her a sounding board by posting her story is counterproductive.

Damien said...


I don't think so. It lets people know just how messed up some people are, as well as what's really going on.

Pastorius said...

I'm with Damien on this. I think this is the kind of story that will separate the wheat from the chaff.

Anyone who is leaning in our direction who reads this will be forced over by the obvious and disgusting foolishness of her perspective.

Believe me, I used to be a Leftie (anyone who reads this site much can still find the traces of Leftie-ness in my views). I know the steps that lead to my changing.

One of the things that led me to change my worldview entirely was my disgust with my friends who claimed to care about Women's Rights and Gay Rights, and yet would not condemn Islam or Islamic culture.

WC said...

Really? tea and biscuits? That's all it takes?

Silly me. All these years I've been wooing feminists with charm!

Pastorius said...

Note, WC, that if this woman is any example of the way Feminists, in general, want to be treated, then they want you to rape them first, and THEN give them tea and biscuits.

Don't bother trying to woo them with the tea and biscuits first. That will get you nowhere.

Damien said...


What exactly is your politically stand point now? I think you said you were a libertarian?

Pastorius said...

I have Libertarian tendencies. However, I am not a strict Libertarian. Most Libertarians I meet seem to believe we ought to have no Welfare system at all.

I do not agree with that. I think limited Welfare, 1-2 years, is a good idea. I also think it is worthwhile for government to invest in workers who have been laid off from struggling industries by providing grants and loans for job retraining, depending upon need.

I am a strong believer in the public school system, though I hate the direction it has gone. I think the "school voucher" system is a recipe for a Tower of Babel effect in our nation.

I am Libertarian on Social issues. But, I am a bit squishy on the marriage issue. I tend to think gays should not be allowed to be married, though they ought to be allowed to have government-recognized Domestic Partnerships which give them all the same rights as heteros, except instant access to adoption. I think it is necessary for the benefit of society that children have a mother and a father, thus I think hetero couples should always be first in line for the younger adoptive children.

I think it is a good idea for government to provide for Medicare, and for Social Security. However, I think individuals ought to have much more latitude as to how their Social Security money is invested, and the paramters of such investment would have to be regulated by the government.

I am for a strong military, and I am for space exploration funded by the government.

You see I am for a lot of government. HOwever, I tend towards the right.

I do not believe in multiculturalism. I do not believe in lenient prison sentences for criminals. I do not believe in citizenship for people who do not take a test on our nation's founding principles and who do not swear allegiance to our nation.

I do not believe the government should have any control over the internet, other than to go after sex offenders and murderers (terrorists). I do not believe the government should have any control over the content of Cable TV, or Satellite TV.

I do not believe the government should ever get involved in limiting the free speech of artists, columnists, writers, etc. unless these opinion-makers are blatantly calling for and organizing violence or sedition.

You see where I'm at.

I'm not quite a Libertarian, am I?

Damien said...
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Damien said...


No you are not. Than agian, I'm not a strict conservative either, and there are very few pure liberals out there. Its usually not easy to make someone fit perfectly into one politically category.

Pastorius said...

I guess I could simplify it by saying I'm a Libertarian on speech issues and issues of general morality.

On social welfare, I'm still pretty much a Lib, though a bit on the conservative side of the current Democratic party.

On military, borders, and economics, I'm pretty Conservative.

revereridesagain said...

Stockholm Syndrome run amok. If that Taliban commander is looking for wife #4 he need look no farther. It could be an extreme way of coping with the trauma, but to defend this creature with multiple wives for repeated rape of a captive is a slap in the face to all the women abused by the Taliban.

Not that this slut gives a damn about them, obviously.

Damien said...


I have to agree with you, if this is her way of coping with the trauma, its not a very good one.