Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Palestinians Try to Assassinate Their Best Friend In the Whole Wide World

From the Jerusalem Post:

Palestinian sources claimed Tuesday that former US president Jimmy Carter was the target of a thwarted assassination attempt while visiting the Gaza Strip, news agencies reported.

According to the report, a range of explosive devices had been stashed near a road he was scheduled to travel on during his trip.

The Jerusalem Post could not verify the report. But later Tuesday the IDF assessment also said the cluster of explosives was aimed at Carter. Earlier, Carter had been quoted as saying he was holding back tears when surveying the "deliberate destruction" in Gaza following Israel's Operation Cast Lead earlier this year, Israel Radio reported.


Epaminondas said...

But, but ... he's kufr who wants them to like him?

Doesn't that HELP?

Total said...

It would be highly ironic and paradoxical if Dhimmi Carter met his end by the hands of the thugs that he's devoted his life to protect.

Pastorius said...

It would be ironic, paradoxical, and just.

andre79 said...

Dhimmi Carter: "Remove Hamas From Terror List"


This is what happens when you have mashed potatoes instead of brain.

Damien said...


I would sincerely hope that this leads Carter to realizing what a mistake he's made. I hope this makes him realize how foolish he has been over the years. But I doubt it.

Pastorius said...

I doubt it too. I think he'll just make excuses for the evil and blame it on the Jews, because they hurt the Palestinians feelings.

Damien said...


Either that or he'll just claim that the Palestinians terrorists who tried to assassinate him were just some odd aberration, and that the overwhelming majority of them understand what he's doing a love him for it. Where are you going to put your money?