Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rick Warren To Partner With ISNA?

Is Rick Warren promoting Christo-Islam?

From this source:
The Indiana-based Islamic Society of North America will be holding its annual convention -- the largest yearly gathering of Muslims on the continent -- in Washington, D.C. over the Fourth of July weekend.

And while convention leaders are holding out hope that President Barack Obama might make the convention his latest stop in his outreach to the Muslim world, the convention has landed another pretty big fish as a featured speaker.

Purpose-Driven pastor Rick Warren has agreed to appear at the convention and be part of its main session discussing the convention's theme -- "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Joining Warren for the session is ISNA President Ingrid Mattson and noted Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf.

Warren's scheduled visit to the convention follows ISNA leader Sayyid Syeed's appearance last December at Warren's Saddleback Civil Forum on Public Health. Warren was unavailable this week to comment about the appearance.

His involvement with ISNA follows the Muslim organization's attempt to build partnerships with people of other faiths, including the Union of Reform Judaism and the American Baptist Churches....
Front Page Magazine's index of articles about the ISNA - What a web of Islamist connections!

Excerpt from this FPM article by Joe Kaufman:
Both the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) present themselves as mainstream Muslim organizations, yet in reality they are part of a radical Muslim movement which exists for the purpose of doing harm to America and Western interests abroad.


ISNA, said to be the largest Muslim organization in North America, has its roots in the extremist Muslim Brotherhood overseas, the same group responsible for the formation of Hamas and most other international terror entities.


Besides its connection to Hamas, ISNA is involved in the propagation of hate materials. ISNA and its sister organization, the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), run an Islamic Book Service for the United States and Canada. The service consists of texts written by leaders of the Brotherhood and a version of the Quran, The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, which has been banned by the Los Angeles school system for having numerous anti-Semitic commentaries....
Rick Warren, who has quite a following among Christians, is partnering with ISNA. What purpose is driving him?

Somebody, tell Rick Warren that when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.


Epaminondas said...

I think it's fine that he is going .. as long as he delivers the right message.... "DON'T EFF IT ALL UP, PEOPLE. THE LAW AMERICANS MAKE TO GOVERN THEMSELVES IS THE SUPREME AUTHORITY"

He just needs to say that nicely.

revereridesagain said...

There are probably several hundred thousand ordinary preachers in this country who could walk in there and shred those pompous primitives, but who's going to show up? Rick Warren has been a staple of the touch-feely Christian/New Age hybrid bliss-out circuit for years now and he preaches that the self doesn't matter, it's all about serving god's purpose. Let's just hope he's at least fastidious about which god he wants us to serve.

Somehow I have the feeling he will come up with his idea of a way to incorporate the "real" Islam -- not that stuff we phobists keep harping on about the subjugation of women, amputations, FGM, jihad, honor killings, all that "extremist" stuff, nope, ol' Rick will focus on his own sugar-coated version of "submission = peace".


Pastorius said...

I think it's fine that he's going, but when he sucked up to Bashar in Syria, he proved what an idiot he is.

He is in way over his head.

And, that kind of makes it not ok that he's going. He will very likely fuck the whole thing up. Cuz, he's not smart enough to say anything important.

He's an embarrassment to me as a Christian.

Pastorius said...


"Let's be clear about what Rick Warren did and why he is being criticized.
It's not because he met with Syrian President Bashar Assad. In fact, I would encourage any Christian leader who can get in Assad's face to do so. He needs to be called to account for keeping Christians in Syria in a state of "dhimmi" status. He needs to be called to account for murdering Christian political leaders like Pierre Gemayel. He needs to be called to account for his continued repression of his own people as well as those of Lebanon. He needs to be called to account for his support for the terrorist organization Hezbollah. He needs to be called to account for allowing his country to play host to more terrorist organizations than any other country in the world.

So, I did not criticize him for meeting with Assad. I criticized him for playing footsie with the dictator, for giving him cover to continue his atrocities against believers and non-believers alike, for lying to the world about the state of the church in Syria and for not even mentioning Assad's bellicose threats to the very existence of the state of Israel."

Epaminondas said...

Well that doesn't exactly augur well...and may be the reason he was invited now. He is perceived as a pre molded dhimmi ready to say the correct things.

Hope he wakes up

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I think so.

Pastorius said...

To be clear, I mean, yes, I think he is perceived as the pre-molded dhimmi.