Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shepherd, just go get some more guyliner, will you?

The DHS report predicted Brunn's lunacy the way a broken clock is correct.

We will NEVER have a govt which can predict, prevent or calculate the details of a Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Kennedy, King, Kennedy, event without massive effort in the minutiae of our daily lives, and EVEN THEN IT IS DOUBTFUL. Even highly organized we could not predict the fall of the USSR, and we want to be able to use a federal authority to identify domestic danger via thought process and political motivation and opposition? File under 'how freedom is lost'.

Oswald, Brunn, and even someone like Gavrilo Princep (who was 'part' and not part of a conspiracy, yet motivated by his small stature) all share LUNATIC COMPULSIONS.

At the right moment such idiots can unfortunately change all history.

They are not some kind of political movement which can be identified by some method except in general terms.

Was the existance of a Sirhan Sirhan predictable? An Oswald? Sure, but so what?

Are deniers and conspiracists right wing? Are A'jad, Larijani, and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Brunn does not justify the DHS thinking "DON'T TREAD ON ME" = right wing loonie violence.


No more than the existence of Sayyid el Nosair, KSM (who was taught here) and Khomeini mean if you pray 5 times a day you are ready to kill everyone.

Shepherd Smith's EMBARRASSING remark, is in the same family as 'OH THE HUMANITY' loss of control.

He should rethink, apologize, and CONTROL HIMSELF..something I believe he is paid to do.


Always On Watch said...

Your spot-on in paragraph 2!

Always On Watch said...

Um, "you're"

Pastorius said...

Yesterday, I went over to Ace of Spades and found him in full flaming Shepard Regalia. He was wearing a boa and all.

It was really weird.

Anyway, Ace also was lecturing "right-wingers" on their reaction to the DHS Report, and on how as it turns out the DHS Report was absolutely true.

Ace's commenters were trying to explain that the DHS Report was aimed at vague right-wingers, not any specific groups, and was therefore putting a target on anyone affiliated with Conservatism, including him.

But, he was buying. He just puffed on his cigarette holder, adjusted his boa, and stormed off in a huff.

It was really amusing.

Pastorius said...

By the way, what do you think? Shepard Smith for Infidel Babe of the Week, or what?

midnight rider said...

I don't know, Pasto, sounds like maybe it should be ACE for Babe of the Week.

midnight rider said...

By the way, anyway know how this nutter managed to stay on the air after the "We don't fucking torture" tirade?

Pastorius said...

Maybe, MR, but Shep is the guy who put on the boa first. Ace is just the imitator.