| ![]() | South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he's been having an affair and will resign as head of the Republican Governor's Association. The married father of four emotionally apologized to his wife, staff and others after returning Wednesday from a trip to Argentina that followed a dayslong absence. He staff had said the Republican was hiking on the Appalachian Trail. He had been a rumored contender for the 2012 GOP ticket. A former congressman, he's most recently snared headlines for his unsuccessful fight to turn aside federal stimulus cash for his state's schools. |
Is it really THAT HARD to be faithful and display at least the SELF CONTROL COMPULSORY for leadership today?
Two down from the five that I would support...
McClintock X
Sanford X
and I said I could count the ones I could trust on my one hand...
Glad we found out sooner rather than later.
What's the deal with these guys?
Power corrupts, I guess.
A lot of politicians today seem to have a zipper problem.
Can't imagine which is more fun: being the wife of one of these bozos who announces to the whole country that he's been screwing another woman, or being the other woman he's screwed for 5 days and then gone home and apologized to the wife and entire country for having done so.
They would both be well rid of him.
As would South Carolina.
And what a treat for the kids.
Anybody want to start a pool on the resignation? I'll take Friday noonish.
Once again, here's a guy who thinks he can fool people. That seems to be an occupational hazard in Washington and most state capitols. While that may be a personal tragedy for him, unfortunately the media will zone in on that while Tiannamen Square is being reenacted in Tehran. This is just the distraction the press needs to insure that cap and trade passes without a whisper of opposition. God help us.
Ellen K,
While that may be a personal tragedy for him, unfortunately the media will zone in on that while Tiannamen Square is being reenacted in Tehran. This is just the distraction the press needs to insure that cap and trade passes without a whisper of opposition.
Diversion is the name of the game.
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