Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Chuckie Johnson finally admits what we've been saying for quite some time, Letterman style.

Read it at Ace, not linking LGF here.

Comment from Epa:

Just because you are right about one thing does not make you always right, Mr. Johnson, OR SERIOUS.

You were right about islamofascism
You were right about VB/BNP
and then you generalized about people who might have imagined they were useful in fighting islamofascism in the same way racists generalize about ... well .. other races.

Sorry, but you didn't part ways with the right, you completely MISIDENTIFY what the right is.

It is not Alex Jones, OR Lyndon LaRouche, or homophobia, or John Birch any more than some people to my left are simply a deranged Sorosian Bill Moyers who predicted on the afternoon Kerry actually lost, but they all thought he was winning, that the right was going to stage a coup (that's true BTW).

People who cannot deal with the complexities of life - and the myriad choices and spectrum of those who come from either the side which says everything must be shared to achieve justice, or that the fruit of the individual mind and effort IS the source of all justice - generally collapse into the kind of hateful ignorance we have very sadly seen LGF fall into.

And become not even a passing thought.

But thanks for all the fish ...

1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

Just because you are right about one thing does not make you always right, Mr. Johnson, OR SERIOUS.

You were right about islamofascism
You were right about VB/BNP
and then you generalized about people who might have imagined they were useful in fighting islamofascism in the same way racists generalize about ... well .. other races.

Sorry, but you didn't part ways with the right, you completely MISIDENTIFY what the right is.

It is not Alex Jones, OR Lyndon LaRouche, or homophobia, or John Birch any more than some people to my left are simply a deranged Sorosian Bill Moyers who predicted on the afternoon Kerry actually lost, but they all thought he was winning, that the right was going to stage a coup (that's true BTW).

People who cannot deal with the complexities of life, and the myriad choices and spectrum of those who come from either the side which says everything must be shared to achieve justice, or that the fruit of the individual mind and effort IS the source of all justice, generally collapse into the kind of hateful ignorance we have very sadly seen LGF fall into.

And become not even a passing thought.

But thanks for all the fish