Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gaian Forces in Copenhagen: America - the nation that is at the heart of the climate problem

And all other problems, no doubt. Including Islamism since if we had been a good anti imperialist nation all along, and we were a Ron Paulian foreign affairs nation and a Spenglerized socialist domestic nation, none of this bother would have occurred. Just ask Matt Damon.


For the second time in just over a week, Barack Obama is on his way to Scandinavia, his mission once again to confront impossible expectations with a cold bucket of reality. Last week he was in Oslo to pick up a Nobel peace prize, apologetically explaining that in the real world away from Norwegian dreams he was a war president who had just escalated the US presence in Afghanistan. On Friday he will touch down in Copenhagen, this time required to offer his regrets that, despite the hopes he stirred round the world a year ago, he will not be able to pull out his pen and, at a stroke, sign the deal that saves the planet.

This is fast becoming Obama's role on the world stage: managing disappointment. The gap between what international opinion demands of him and what he can deliver widens with each passing month, and it falls to him to explain why. If he could be completely frank, he might well tell the climate activists in the Danish capital that, were it purely up to him, he would give them everything they desire. After all, he is the same man whose stump speech two years ago used to open with a declaration that "the planet is in peril". But it is not purely up to him. He has to represent the multiple, complex and contradictory interests of the country he now leads. His job is not saviour of the world. As the climate adviser to a 19-strong group of African nations puts it ruefully: "He's still an American president."

And America did not become a different country simply by electing Obama. It is still the nation that is at the heart of the climate problem - having contributed an estimated 30% of all the CO2 already in the earth's atmosphere - and therefore of any viable solution. But it is also the country that, for a variety of stubborn political, economic and cultural reasons, might well be the hardest to shift. The world desperately needs America to be a leader on climate change, but the glum reality is that it is all but hard-wired to be a laggard.

Obama will do his best to put a shine on that truth, and he has some decent polish. Some of it does not even need saying. He will be in Copenhagen: what were the chances George Bush would have turned up? He is there with a strong team, including a string of cabinet secretaries, with a serious operation in the conference hall - a contrast, says USA Today, with the Bush era when the US presence at environmental meetings consisted of "a lone US official handing out pamphlets". Official US policy now accepts that global warming is real and that man is the key cause.

Obama can point to more than a change in attitude. His administration moved fast to extract a 30% increase in fuel efficiency from the car-makers, while a tenth of the stimulus - some $80bn - has been set aside for investment in clean energy. He has recently struck bilateral deals with both China and India, undertaking joint research projects on clean coal and electric cars. Perhaps most substantial is this month's ruling by the US Environmental Protection Agency that carbon dioxide and five other gases endanger human health - thereby allowing the agency to regulate emissions without waiting for the nod from Congress. That could see the US executive cracking down next year on car emissions, as well as those generated by coal and chemical plants.

Note the assumption of command economy. A law requiring 30% increase in economy equals the fact of it occurring, AND it's affordability.

You know the most aggravating thing about these anit human (and anti humanist) Gaian freaks is that I agree with every goal. I have done every single thing at a personal level they are demanding (except that beautiful Titan SE Crew Cab ..but even that - we use for moving equipment, and all our other vehicles are 30 mpg plus, one gets over 40). We are CFL in light. We use 0 oil and 0 gas and nearly 0 in electricity (need something when we go away for days) for heat. It's all renewable.

But we depart on the hysterical response required for the goals which are desirable and needed for every single geopolitical reason as well as the well being of the planet - the well being as a goal one pursues on the treadmill for one's self. The well being pursued when you skip that piece of cheesecake, and avoid the extra fatty piece of brisket.

Not amputate your arm and use gastric binding

No hysterical response at the Manhattan Project level has been justified to me.

Or, I bet, to the vast majority of those who have paid attention to this FARCE.

Obama buying into both the idea of a compulsory hysteria (of various kinds), and the faults of America as the basis for his gestalt as president is going to be iconic of 2008-2012.

TARP, Stimulus II, Health Care, Warming, all crises? All requiring the process of .. 'it's an emergency, listen to me and we'll sort it out later, but if I don't get what I need it's the end of the world (literally)'.

There is one crisis. It's variegated. But it is a crisis.

We have not even TALKED about the kind of response we need to generalized and specific attacks on our way of life by those who believe it ungodly, and believe it is their personal responsibility to ensure we change, or else. In the failure to remark on this crisis, Mr. Obama is not alone.

To respond to this we need a vibrant growing economy. STEP 1

To respond to this we need a military with the tools THEY need and unafraid to give the mortal enemy a fat lip. STEP 2

To respond to this we need a govt willing to speak out loud about touchy and difficult issues. STEP 3

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Pastorius said...

How do you use 0 gas and 0 oil? You have cars. They run on gas and oil.

Besides that, I agree, though I would never use CFL's. Fluorescent light is bad for everything, including human beings. Fluorescent light pours out UV rays. UV rays are used for heavy duty etching of metallic surfaces. Why would anyone ever willingly pour that shit into their eyes.

Oh, and by the way, move your family photos - and any family heirloom for that matter - out of the way of fluorescent lights. Over a few years, they will be destroyed by UV rays.

Pastorius said...

By the way, hope you don't mind that I added a Matt Damon clip to your post.

I couldn't help myself.

Anonymous said...

dont get upset epa but I am your evil oposite. I leave lights on in my house all the time and I go through diesel and gas for my work trucks like a wino goes through booze.

Anonymous said...

Surely Epa can answer for himself, but I did not that the zero sums were in reference to heating costs.

It should be funny that while we are blamed for climate change, adaptations such as yours are always deemed insufficient. Unfortunately the Malthusian utopians are discovered and yet their plans persist. It's lost its humor.


Anonymous said...

Surely Epa can answer for himself, but I did note that the zero sums were in reference to heating costs.

Perhaps that makes more sense.

Epaminondas said...

but if we could use natural gas for cars I'd be first in line.

ANd when I had my Audi Diesel WAY BACK.. I did test a tank of soybean oil. Ran fine, slightly more smoky and I smelled like a rolling chinese restaurant.

All our pics are now high res digital so we can reproduce them any time.

you gotta understand our lifestyle, we are genuine hippies...we just know there are bad guys.

most hippies want utopian socialism we want a realistic benevolent anarchy.

in our yard we have had otters, moose, deer, snapping turtles in the spring on land to lay eggs at about 2 feet across and the pond has 2-8 loons every year. We LOVE what is around us.

so we feel we have a fine understand of balance and the 'environment'. That's why, when I hear these yutzes going off on warming and so far beyond arrogance that they don't even CARE to comment on all flying to copenhagen on pvt jets .. that alone tells me warming is not only nothing to call a crisis, it's nothing which should disturb our lives.

The email episode over this merely bears out the human behavior which indicates this.

Pastorius said...

Interesting life you have. I'm more like Rumcrook.

I gave at the office. That's the way I think of it.

I have been responsible for over $25 million in sales over the years. That means a lot of people have jobs because of the money that I have brought into various corporations.

That's my contribution.

Fuck 'em if I have a high carbon footprint (and I'm sure I do).

midnight rider said...

realistic benevolent agrarian anarchy.

Hear Hear!


-- Ed Abbey

Pastorius said...

I like the saying from Abbey. That's very cool.

But, I'm a city boy, and cities demand cooperation, organization, hierarchies, laws, etc. in order to be optimally productive.

Cities are the beginning of civilization.

Civilization, well-created and performed, is the highest state of man.