Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jew-Hatred In Russia

Note the tags. This is considered funny. It's also considered to be "Russian Art".

Note also that this vodka is made by a company which calls itself "EZ Protocols". That would be Elders of Zion Protocols for the uninitiated.

In other words, the people who make this vodka buy into "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" conspiracy theory. Click on this link to learn about the anti-Semitic tract.

“Kabbalah” Vodka; With Christian Infants


A short time ago the company “EZ Protocols” announced a start-up of vodka brand that is called “Kabbalah vodka – with Christian infants” – the newest quality benchmark on the super premium segment of the Russian market. The vodka is expected to have a distinguished wheat flavor. Special water, enriched in silver, gold and platinum ions along with neat and stylish design will bring anyone back to the best traditions of a ritual table. As a present, every bottle has a unique handmade infant inside, which is made of fortified glass.

This drink is focused on strong and self-confident men from the higher orders that prefer authority to publicity and know for a certainty about the nature of power in Russia.

In return to rumors and a sea of suits from many of human rights organizations the company “EZ Protocols” hastened to declare that no child has gotten hurt during production of the drink.


Alexander Münch said...

Hi Pastorius,

The inventor of this " Kabala Liquid " business, had too much of the stuff by himself!

' Rehab' , will not do to him any good ! My be lobotomy...

I told him so on his f--ken blog !


Pastorius said...


I'm glad you did.

Anonymous said...

It is a free country and free idiots..

Pastorius said...

You're right.

He's free to put out that Vodka, and we're free to call him what he is; an anti-Semite.