Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LA Times: ‘The People Speak’ Trashes WWII

by Big Hollywood


“Even World War II is cast as a false model for American military domination.”

Los Angeles Times:

“Class division is a drumbeat throughout “The People Speak,” which is a primer of liberal ideology with a decided bent toward socialism; no one’s reading a few rousing passages of Ayn Rand’s, for instance. The letters and journals and speeches selected cover the American timeline, from the abolitionists through AIDS activists, but the theme of personal and political enfranchisement, tolerance, peace and American humility is the consistent theme. Equal rights, protection of workers, protection of children, even rent control are celebrated while concepts such as patriotism — the last refuge of scoundrels, according to pacifist and anarchist Emma Goldman — and national security are portrayed as the whip and cattle prod used by the power elite. Even World War II is cast as a false model for American military domination.”

At the UCLA event, producer Chris Moore said something about “The People Speak” being “two hours of anti-WWII programming.”

The bottom of yesterday’s New York Times’ review confirms the most troubling news:

The filmmakers are developing school curriculum materials for the film and releasing an extended version on DVD.

Just remember, the happiest leftist you’ll ever see is one planted firmly between parent and child. They consider it their God-given Mother Earth-given right to move every mountain in their pop culture and education kingdoms to brainwash.


mah29001 said...

I think this Chris Moore should be considered a Nazi sympathizer.

Actually, there was an obvious open period where Communists supported Nazi front groups in the USA for a time being until Hitler betrayed Stalin and attacked Russia.

Epaminondas said...

The entire people speak/Zinn project is a serial pencil width view. They could as easily have picked jingoists, racists, or a series of Hamiltonian/Jeffersonian true believers.

What has our system done compared to others?
The Sioux are crushed, but there is no slavery. Shays was crushed but we tolerate little intolerance. American Fruit and banks turned the marines into a collection agency for about 15 years, but fascism and communism are destroyed.

All systems have their grave faults, but no other has done so much of real positive value.

The inner compulsions which cause people like Matt Damon to arrogantly assume by accepting all blame upon america and americans, and the founders for their propertied system - their conviction that the world really CARES in a positive fashion, and that care will make a difference is THE FALLACY which a certain executive now sees obliterating the central core of his personal dreams of a better world.

The world is a mess we try to make one or two percent better, probably by having to do some dirty, and unpleasant things to complement our better motives for doing so.

THe prime example of this moment: It IS different if an Israel or Japan has nukes compared to Norkland or Iran and we cannot stand by looking down our peaceful noses unless we can accept or intend to make it all worse. No doubt the 'people speaking' later on after the inevitable occurs will be something these monors wish to ignore.

Pastorius said...

Fascists, Communists, and "Socialists" like Damon and Zinn are all for top-down government control based upon envy. The world must be righted, everyone ought have their just slice of the pie, whether they work for it or not, so the government must arbitrate by force.