Monday, December 14, 2009

Maybe If We Just Play Dead, The Muslims Will Leave Us Alone

UK: Church of England Bishop Says Taliban "Should Be Admired for Their Conviction to Islam and Sense of Loyalty"...

UPDATE: Apparently, this Bishop is an endless fount of idiocy. Read on below.


From Weasel Zippers:

The Taliban can be admired for their conviction to their faith and their sense of loyalty to one another, the new bishop for the Armed Forces has claimed.

The Rt Rev Stephen Venner called for a more sympathetic approach to the Islamic fundamentalists that recognises their humanity.

The Church of England’s Bishop to the Forces warned that it will be harder to reach a peaceful solution to the war if the Afghan insurgents are portrayed too negatively.

“We’ve been too simplistic in our attitude towards the Taliban,” said Bishop Venner, who was recently commissioned in his new role by Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

There’s a large number of things that the Taliban say and stand for which none of us in the west could approve, but simply to say therefore that everything they do is bad is not helping the situation because it’s not honest really.

“The Taliban can perhaps be admired for their conviction to their faith and their sense of loyalty to each other.”

Besides their attacks on the armed forces, the Taliban have also been responsible for public beatings, amputations and executions and have launched bomb attacks on the civilian population in Afghanistan.

Minister at PSC supporting church: Jesus would embrace Sharia or something....

So Simon Perry (known to some as a reverend) of Bloombsury Baptist Church, which last week hosted a carol service to raise money for the PSC has found himself in a bit of hot water this week. Jonathan Sacerdoti addressed Perry in a response posted over at Harry's Place after he defended his church's role in the event. It is here that one of the commenters directed me to Perry's own blog, where he wrote a truly telling (not to be confused with truth telling) post about Sharia in Britain.

Sharia law is often characterised as medieval and crude, particularly as it relates to marriage for instance. But anyone who has tasted the workings of the British Divorce industry can hardly see it is a sophisticated and fair system! (Listen to the Fathers for Justice organisation!) Social evils from gun crime to housing shortages find their roots in the family breakdown that the divorce industry in Britain promotes. And we fear Sharia law!
The Evangelical leaders and the imbecilic dictators of Right wing press stand together in playing out the role of the Pharisee. Condemning others for the sake of the precious values and customs that they themselves have come to treasure.

If those evil Evangelicals and right-wing loonies would only embrace Sharia, Britain would be so much better off.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well, thats a refreshing new outlook.

I wonder what this bishop has to say about the nazis? or hitler?

maybe he can see the glass half full when it comes to pol pot and stalin/

Ray Boyd said...

He has since been on TV saying that he was misquoted (as he would)and that he regrets that.

Pastorius said...

Really? Well, that's sort of good to hear, I guess.

It does seem this guy has a history of making stupid statements regarding Islam, though, doesn't it?