Monday, December 07, 2009


From AFP:

Opening ceremonies began with a short film featuring children of the future facing an apocalypse of tempests and desert landscapes if world leaders failed to act today.

"There will be hundreds of millions of refugees," Rajendra Pachauri, head of the UN's panel of climate scientists, said in the film.

"Please help save the world," said a little girl, plaintively.

What did I write yesterday?

Gore turns to poetry: 'The shepherd cries, the hour of choosing has arrived'...

Does that mean Al Gore is our Shepherd.

I don't know about you, but if he is, I shall want.

UPDATE: Here's the film -


Total said...

As I've said before, the world is a cruel place that can take care of itself; it will continue to exist with or without people. It has survived several apolocalyptic events throughout its existence that have devestated nearly all life on earth and the planet had healed itself every time. You shouldn't worry about saving the Earth; the Earth can take care of itself. What you should be worried about is saving yourself FROM the Earth, it always is and always has been an extremely hostile environment. That's why societies have built things such as cities and houses.

Anonymous said...

not only is total right, but his sentiment is an echo of the late great comedian George Carlin.

who made the same observation during a comedy performance.

Pastorius said...

Yep. We've posted that clip here a couple times.

It's great, isn't it?