Sunday, December 06, 2009

Video: The Myth of Islamic Spain

As a Spanish major, I found of particular interest the video below from Vlad Tepes. First, you will see a clip from the BBC, a section which whitewashes Islamic rule. Then, you will see two clips which present some inconvenient facts. Please watch the entire video:

As pointed out by Vlad Tepes:
[The BBC] seemed to imply that Spain would be better off under another 700 years of brutal racist oppressive sharia law and Islamic rule.
And at taxpayers' expense, no less.

Furthermore, if you look at most world history textbooks, you will find a glorification of the 700 years of Islamic rule in Spain. Indeed, those years are often referred to as a golden age.

Don't believe it! Don't let your children believe it!

Not all during the period of Islamic rule in Spain was light and beauty.

Balance the whitewash with the truth.


Anonymous said...

These uneducated Arab beduins, burned the ancient Library of Alexandria with its invaluable writings

Anonymous said...

"...the Arabs have persecuted us severely, and passed baneful and discriminatory legislation against us...Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase, and hate us as much as they..." -- Maimonides

Anonymous said...

the entire jewish community of grenada was massacred under islamic roule.

Anonymous said...

golden andalusia:

"No...Jew or Christian may be allowed to wear the dress of an aristocrat, nor of a jurist, nor of a wealthy individual; on the contrary they must be detested and avoided. It is forbidden to accost them with the greeting, 'Peace be upon you'…In effect, 'Satan has gained possession of them, and caused them to forget God's warning. They are the confederates of Satan's path; Satan's confederates will surely be the losers! (Quran 58:19). A distinct sign must be imposed upon them in order that they may be recognized and this will be for them a form of disgrace." -- Ibn Abdun

Anonymous said...

When the new mosque in Grenada was opened with on July 10, 2003, marking "a return of Islam to Spain," a conference was held in Granada at the same time. Bostom notes in one of his several articles on the myth of Andalusia that "the keynote speaker at this conference, Umar Ibrhaim Vadillo, a Spanish Muslim leader, implored Muslims to cause an economic collapse of Western economies (by switching to gold dinars, and ceasing to use Western currencies), while the German Muslim leader Abu Bakr Rieger told attendees not to adapt their Islamic religious practices to accommodate European (i.e., Western Enlightenment) values."

Anonymous said...

These videos and the rest of the educational system (in the West and around the world) convinces me everyday that when I have children, I should make sure to home-school them. Can't and won't trust the dhimmis at all.