Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Britain: Police Place Cameras In Muslim Neighborhoods, Muslims Complain, Police Take Them Down

That'll show 'em.

From the New York Times:

The British police on Thursday apologized for a counterterrorism program that featured surveillance cameras that were installed in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods. Police officials said that even though the cameras had never been switched on, the initiative had damaged trust and caused anger in the community.
Under the program, more than 200 closed-circuit television cameras and license plate recognition devices were placed in parts of the city of Birmingham in central England. The effort was conceived in 2007 after a series of terrorist plots were uncovered in Birmingham.
Residents complained that they had not been consulted about the program, and civil liberties groups protested that the measures were heavy-handed.

1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

I understand they are placing the cameras in retired welsh coal miners' homes instead where these other subversives can be monitored to prevent retired welsh suicide attacks