Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Could It Be Infidel Bloggers Alliance Was Right In Doubting The EDL?

Wilders rejects English EDL radicals' support

A demonstration to be held in Amsterdam by the ultra-nationalist English Defence League (EDL) has met with strong disapproval from Dutch anti-Islam Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders. 
"I have no involvement with this demo, I've never been in touch with the EDL," the MP told daily on Tuesday. 
The protest is planned for Saturday 30 October, just before the verdict is due in a hate-incitement court case against Mr Wilders next week.

The EDL is a self-appointed group claiming to protect England from radical Islamists, targeting Jihadist preachers and "standing up for English culture". Their demonstrations have a tendency to spark counter-protests and violence. 
Referring to this, Mr Wilders said, "Should this demonstration really happen, I would like to emphasise that I abhor any form of violence. If there's the remotest chance of escalation, I'd rather they call off the protest


george said...

I'm not saying you are wrong, but the fact that Wilders isn't taking chances doesn't really prove they are a problem.

Pastorius said...

I'm guessing you mean you think Wilders is not going to ally himself with questionable people while he is on trial for inciting hate.

Is that what you mean?

Thing is, their leadership are all (all as far as I know) ex-members of the BNP.

I could be wrong (though, I doubt it), but that sure does look like a Vlaams Blok/Vlaams Belang switcheroo to me.

george said...

Not cause of his trial, per se, but because Wilders is always careful on these things.

In terms of what the EDL really is, well, honestly, I'm relying on you guys in part for more information. I would love for them to be legit, but we can't always get what we want.

cjk said...

If that's all Geert Wilders said then people are looking for ghosts in every dark corner.
I for one don't see any 'strong disapproval' nor 'rejection' of the EDL in his words.

jeppo said...

CJK is right, there is no "strong disapproval" or "rejection" of the EDL in Wilders' words. You're *really* reaching here, Pastorius.

For a so-called racist and anti-Semitic group, the EDL are sure sending out some mixed messages. Their official slogan is "Black and White Unite", they repeatedly showcase their black, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu members, they wave Israeli flags at their demos, they say nothing about stopping Muslim immigration, and they even supposedly have an LGBT division now.

In other words, they're an uber-politically correct organization paying proper obeisance to the twin liberal gods of Diversity and Inclusiveness.

And for all this what do they get? Only the malicious wrath of the entire British government, media and establishment in general brought down on their heads. Plus the ongoing harassment of EDL members, including false arrest and imprisonment, by the crooked British police. And of course the endless attacks and beatings laid on EDL members by Antifa thugs and their criminal and terrorist Muslim allies.

But it doesn't end there, oh no. The anti-EDL abuse even extends to some self-styled "anti-jihad" bloggers on this side of the Atlantic. While the men and women of the EDL are risking their livelihoods and even their very lives on the streets protesting against the Islamization of their country, these keyboard kommandos are busy attacking them as waaaaacists from the comfort of their own living rooms or offices. Talk about chutzpah!

What could possibly explain their mean-spirited animus towards the EDL? Could it be simply professional jealousy? Contempt for the white working class? A deep-seated hatred of Christians and Christianity? A barely concealed desire to see England, and Europe in general, laid low by Islam?

You tell me.

Pastorius said...

When a politician like Wilders, who is trying to consolidate power by forming coalitions with allies, makes a statement like this, it is condemnation.

Would he say the same thing of any other party? No.

In my opinion, he is distancing himself from the EDL because he does not want to be associated with them.

Wilders is not a fearful man. He speaks up in the fact of the PC-police.

If you think he is simply playing politics here, then he is doing so to mollify the PC police he usually abhors and ignores.

revereridesagain said...

I think I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: despite provocation (from pro-mosquers) there was NO violence connected to the participation of I think it was about 6-12 leading EDL members with large banners at the 9/11/10 Stop the Mosque rally in NYC.

However, given the ominous warnings from Islamists of violence against the Netherlands unless they change their policies, this is a dangerous situation whichever way that verdict goes. Wilders may be more concerned about avoiding any unnecessary violence -- not afraid for himself but trying to keep others from harm. (And making sure that if there is trouble, it will be clear that the Muslims started it.) Judging from his statement, that seems to be his main concern.

Europe is dealing with Muslim aggression on a much more physically confrontational basis at street level than we are. We all knew that unless something was done to peacefully confront Islamization through legal channels that it could come to this. My thoughts will be with those standing against the imposition of Sharia, dhimmitude, censorship, and terror. May they be safe and steadfastly uphold the principles they are defending.

Pastorius said...

I hope you will express your opinions in a post, as I have done with mine.

If people disagree with me here, I hope they will make it clear.

My opinion is, Wilders seems to be distancing himself from the EDL because he is wary of the EDL.

Any protest against Islam, whether it be from the EDL, or South Park, or the Pope, will bring about violence, or at the least, threats of violence.

I don't think we need to bring in the EDL for violence to occur.

Unknown said...

Hi Pastorius.
Wilders seems to be distancing himself from the EDL because he is wary of the EDL.I think this is the right conclusion.Wilders wants more Political parties against the rise of Islamic radicals.Political Parties is the keyword he's quick to be seen with a new foreign political party rising against Islamists.As long as the EDL is not a "Real" political party in his sense of the word ,he wont be caught in bed with them.That's my opinion.

Ray Boyd said...

There is certainly some vicious anti Brit sentiment on some US blogs, particularly WZ which is led by contributors and taken up enthusiasticly by commenters.

I think that some of those would be happy to see the downfall of the UK to Islam. Of course if the EDL were to succeed in their aims then they would be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd chime in too. So, um, when are we changing the Infidel Babe of the Week?

Epaminondas said...

Here is my problem with the EDL... when I read what they have to say it does not seem unreasonable.

When I see them, hear them and read about WHO THEY ARE.. it makes me feel as if I am not wearing socks and my shoes are lined with slices of cheap bologna.

I trust that feeling.

Ray Boyd said...

I suppose we could say we don't give a toss whether or not US commenters approve of the EDL. Start worrying about your own and leave us to make up our own minds.

It's our future and our fight and if a group such as the EDL were to make a difference then it is better than living under Islam.

Try the British Freedom Party - a newly registered polital party formed from breakaway BNP members. OK? Or cannot their be any connection with the BNP even if they are people who have seen the light?

Epaminondas said...

Actually, I agree Ray.

Of course, if the sensation in my feet is correct, I suppose another York a la 1190 won't be the end of the world anyway.

Or would it?

Ray Boyd said...

Forget your feet. The Normans slaughtered most of the population of the North - we are talking about tens of thousands. About 150 Jews were killed in the Tower incident. Just to keep it all in perspective.

They came in to thoroughly subjugate England with a different culture, language and laws with a genocidal mentality. Just a little like Islam.

The EDL are not Nazis if that is what you are implying but some of them may not what we would like them to be.

cjk said...

I Israel weren't on the front lines it would be far left of Sweden.
It's funny how facing the fiendish enemy changes ones outlook.

People here in the USA sometimes seem not to get it.
You can't sit paralyzed waiting for perfection because it's never going to happen. Sometimes you have to work with what you have for the greater good and do the best you can. That doesn't mean that you accept evil, no it means that you keep everything in perspective.
Guys like Ray Boyd over there sound to me like they get it.

Pastorius said...

I guess that means you think I don't.


cjk said...

I don't know, but I wonder. It seems like you're expecting perfection in the face of a desperate situation.
I believe it is a desperate situation although it may not be apparent to many right now.
The longer a confrontation is avoided, the bloodier it will eventually be.
It would be great if this could all be cleaned up sanitarily or peacefully, but I suspect you also know it can't.
The EDL may have serious problems, but I don't see anyone else carrying any water as of now.

Geert Wilders is a great man, but he's barely avoiding jail time for telling the TRUTH! WTF! Ten years from now he will probably be in jail if he's still alive.

Pastorius said...

You said: I don't know, but I wonder. It seems like you're expecting perfection in the face of a desperate situation.

I say: Perhaps.

You said: I believe it is a desperate situation although it may not be apparent to many right now.

I say: Perhaps.

You say: The longer a confrontation is avoided, the bloodier it will eventually be.

I say: I agree, absolutely.

You say: The EDL may have serious problems, but I don't see anyone else carrying any water as of now.

I ask: What do you believe their function is, merely to provoke an outright war. Cuz, what we need is an outright war against Islam.

Thing is, we need the real Western Civilization to fight the war, not the fascist nutjobs. Because, whoever fights the war and wins will be the ones who run things in the future.

Look, Hitler fought the USSR, right? Hitler was a bad guy, the USSR were bad guys. Bad guys can fight bad guys, just as good guys can fight bad guys.

The USSR won, and they ruled Eastern Europe for years afterwards.

If the only people who fight are the EDL, and they win, then who is going to run things?

Maybe you are right, and it's better than nothing.

On the other hand, look at what's going on. People in the U.S. are freaking out over the Ground Zero Mosque. People are angry about the firing of Juan Williams. People know what Islam is about, even if our PC overlords will not allow us to articulate the truth on national tv.

Do we need to muddy up a movement which is gaining strength by allying with former BNP people? Is that the best strategy?

To my mind, it is not.

Pastorius said...

By the way, I think the best strategy is to provoke a real confrontation, to set the ball rolling towards a true antipathy between Western Civilization and the Jihadists, and I think the sooner we are truly at war, the better.

But, we are not there yet, and I'd rather see it that the way is led by good guys than by bad guys.

Maybe that makes me a Pollyanna.

cjk said...

If we are talking about the USA then I pretty much agree with your tactics, but we're talking about Europe here and they have painted themselves into a tight corner at this point.
I don't see the EDL as fascist, nor in any ways like the USSR. I'm not saying they're perfect either by any means, but like it or not, there's nobody else in England right now.
Our whole conversation might be different here if we were sitting in London.
As far as supporting the Russians in WWII goes, I believe we made the right choice which had to be made at that time and actually proved right in the long run.
As far as wanting the real Western Civilization getting mobilized to fight the fiends, these people may be playing the role of a spark plug. Western Civilization is slowly and STEADILY being devoured while it continues sleeping in Europe.
I HATE violence, which I believe is the apex of Satanism when directed against the innocent, I hate war, but I know that both are in our future.

Pastorius said...


You said: Our whole conversation might be different here if we were sitting in London.

I say: Are you aware England has no more Muslims as a percentage of population than we do?

I don't know where you live, but there are areas near where I live that are filled with Muslims, burqas, and anti-Semitism. Adam Gadahn is from my neck of the woods. I'm saying this so you understand that America is in just as big a danger as the UK, only we deal with things better. Here, South Park is fighting for us. There, it's a bunch of "football hooligans" who are former members of the BNP.

You say: As far as supporting the Russians in WWII goes, I believe we made the right choice which had to be made at that time and actually proved right in the long run.

I say: I agree.

My point was not to criticize our history. My point was, look what happened.

If we can get through this war without having to compromise with fascism, as we did in WWII, then we will be better off after the war.

cjk said...

I need to know more about the BNP because I know next to nothing, but I gather they are a racist organization from your comments.
I just don't see the fascism in the EDL that you seem to. I always see some Israeli flags in their demonstrations and haven't heard anything yet from their leadership that would lead me to believe that we're dealing with the devil here.

According to Wikipedia (sorry about the poor source) as of 2009, Mohammedans make up 2.7% of the UK and .8% of the US populations, fairly small for both. However the name Mohamed is the most popular name for newborns in the UK. Even so the worst behavior that I've seen here was the baring of free Christian speech over in Dearborn, MI. with police and political collusion I might add. In England they have numerous 'no-go zones'.
The battle ain't just against Mohammedanism, but also against PCism.

Somethings gotta be done in England soon, people need a rallying point to stand against the suppression of free speech and unchecked PCism.

Pastorius said...

The BNP had an official policy that only whites could join the party until a little less than a year ago, when a law was enacted that would have banned the party, at which time, they decided to allow whites to join the party:

According to Religious Tolerance, the percentage of Muslims in the US is just under 2%. I guess that number could be wrong. That would mean there are about 6 million Muslims in the US. From where I sit, it's easy to believe that, as I have to look at burqas every time I go to the fucking mall.

cjk said...

I'll have to read up a little on the BNP.
In the current circumstances I will continue to give the EDL the benefit of the doubt with the attitude that they are an ally who should be influenced in as positive a manner as we can.
I guess we see things differently although I suspect we may not be too far apart.
Burkas should be outlawed for obvious law enforcement reasons. No one should be able to walk around in public with a mask on a daily basis.
As far as the population goes, there is a shock effect when seeing burkas, and it's easy to mentally exaggerate their numbers because of it.
I live in the Chicago area and we do have concentrations of Mohammedans.

Pastorius said...

As far as I'm concerned, wherever, whenever I see a burqa, I am seeing the equivalent of a swastika.

When I see a burqa, I know that the woman's family are malevolent Jihadists, and she likely is as well.