Sunday, October 03, 2010

Egypt: Al-Azhar's "Statement to the Nation" reduces Copts to Dhimmi status

Bishop Bishoy asked if some verses of the Qu'ran were introduced after Mohammed's death. Apart from the normal demonstrations held against Copts by Islamists, there has been another much important consequence. Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Council has released an "Statement to the Nation" that openly considers Coptic Christians as Dhimmies who ought to respect Sharia Law to be considered Egyptian citizens:
On Friday, September 24, thousands of Islamists demonstrated in front of Ibrahim Mosque in Alexandria demanding the detainment of Bishop Bishoy and insulting Pope Shenouda and throwing shoes at his photos.
Members of al-Azhar's Islamic Research Council held an emergency meeting led by the institution's head, Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb (right), repudiating Bishop Bishoy's comments and accusing him of provoking sectarian tension.
A "Statement to the Nation" was released by the Council on Saturday, September 25 in which al-Tayeb said "This kind of behavior is irresponsible and threatens national unity at a time when it is vital to protect it." He also warned against repercussions these sorts of statements can have among Muslims in Egypt and abroad.
The Statement went on to say the Council stresses the fact that Egypt is an "Islamic State" according to the text of its Constitution, which represents the social contract between its people. "From this stems the rights of citizenship, as taught to us by the Messenger of Allah in his pact with the Christians of Najran, in which he decided that they were to enjoy rights and duties as the Muslims. However, these rights are conditional to respect for the Islamic Identity and the citizenship rights as set by the Constitution."
There are several comments from Coptic institutions about this statement. You can read them on the link above. I'm just going to copy one of them:
Magdy Khalil, head of the Middle East Freedom Forum, issued a press release on September 27, saying the Al-Azhar's "Statement to the Nation" brings us back to the era of Dhimmitude. He thinks this statement, which is addressed to the Islamic nation and Muslims in Egypt and abroad, undermines completely the concept of modern citizenship, replacing it with their perception of an alternative Islamic citizenship, which corresponds to that promoted by various groups of political Islam. "citizenship in the traditions of the Islamic Research Council is conditional to non-Muslims in the Egyptian State by their acceptance of the Islamic State, respecting the Islamic identity and accepting the rule of Sharia," said Khalil, "meaning that the Council has reproduced the unfortunate Dhimmi status as a condition for the Copt to being a citizens in his own country."
He believes the "Statement to the Nation" does not strengthens national unity in Egypt but rather contributes to the increased agitation of the Islamized people, increases the feeling of religious superiority towards the Coptic minority and contributes to the destruction of what remains of the pillars of the civil state.
Cross-posted from T&P.


Anonymous said...

Quote: "Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Council has released an "Statement to the Nation" that openly considers Coptic Christians as Dhimmies who ought to respect Sharia Law to be considered Egyptian citizens"

Bishop of El-Qussia and Mair Diocese in Upper Egypt states:
The word “Copts” doesn’t ring a big bell for many ears. Sometimes [people here] don’t know what are Copts, who are they, and why they are called Copts. That’s why I felt that it is worth it to start by explaining why we are called Copts and the explanation might tell you a little bit of the dilemma we have.
Egypt has been always Aigyptos and everybody knew Egypt as Aigyptos. In the 7th Century there was a shift in the name and the country. When the Arabs came to Egypt, or, rather, invaded Egypt, they could not pronounce Aigyptos because of the linguistic differences. They pronounced it Gypt; so they took away the “Ai” and the “os.” So Aigyptos became Gypt, and, when they wrote it, they wrote it with a “Ka” so it became “Copt.” The whole country was that of the Copts.
But gradually, for various reasons, whether because of taxation or pressure of some kind, or ambitions in dealing with the leaders or the governors of the country, some people converted. Those who converted were no longer Copts. They became something else, and those who remained Christians were the ones who were called “the Copts.”" . . ."I am very happy to be an Egyptian and I would not accept being “Arab” because ethnically I am not."
- read it all
Transcript from Hudson Institute

Alexander Münch said...

Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Council has released an "Statement to the Nation" that openly considers Coptic Christians as Dhimmies who ought to respect Sharia Law to be considered Egyptian citizens:

===== Perfectly clear ! ===== Now read it again ======

The Knesset - The Israeli Legislative Body has released an "Statement to the Nation" that openly considers Palestinian Muslims as Convert who ought to respect the Orthodox Jewish Law to be considered Israeli citizens:

My stop watch is running frooooooooooooom - NOW !!!

revereridesagain said...

"Accept" and "respect", is it? I think the words they would prefer to use are "bow down before", "submit to", and "obey". Of course they must refrain from using those words in the English translation, and avoid the term "dhimmi" altogether lest some nosy kuffar inquire into its meaning.

Anne said...

And of course we won't hear a peep from the leftist Hamas-supporting useful idiots who call Israel an "apartheid state".

I'm guessing that Nobama won't be giving a speech in Cairo anytime soon about equal rights or freedom of religion.

Claudia said...

Anonymous: You're right, Copts are the descendants of the original Egyptians, who authored one of the most advanced and modern civilizations of the Ancient Times. But I don't really see Islamic clerics very interested in learning those facts from history.

Alexander Münch: Oops, if that had been the case, this would have been the first and most important news of the day. But as this is not israel... no one is interested...

revereridesagain: I don't think AINA has refrained from using those words, considering the fight they are supporting for the rights of Coptic Christians in Egypt. I guess it was Al-Azhar the one that didn't use those terms. They knew that it was going to be translated, sooner or later. But anyway, it's clear what they are saying.

Anne: Obama is not precisely a "historian" of Islamic times. But the problem is that he believes the things he says...

Black_Rain said...

the Coptics have been Dhimmi's for a long tome.. what is left of them..

it is said that Saudi Royal family pays Egyption Muslims to kidnap and enSlave coptic girls, rape and insiminate them.. they get paid per child.. after they produce several children off them, the woman is dumped on the street an her children are sold in Saudi Arabia..

why you ask..??

Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society

by Nicolai Sennels

Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the intelligence, sanity, and health of their offspring, and on their surroundings.